33. A Daughter's Betrayal

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Reiness blinked, looking around from her spot on the dry ground. About two seconds ago she'd been in Gothafar's camp with Galadriel, and she'd- wait. Had all that been a dream? She felt around her neck, and her fingers froze at the thin chain she found there. She slid them down to where they connected, and the edges of her fingers grazed something warm and hard. She slowly pulled the chain up to reveal a white gem, sparkling even though there was no light to refract off of it.

"It wasn't a dream," she whispered aloud.

She grinned, her brilliant white smile seeming to light up the forest. She had done it.

She suddenly remembered Galadriel's words,

Return to your friends, for the magic of your flame is running out.

She shook her head out and rose to her feet, tucking the stone back under her the collar of her tunic.

She was back above ground somewhere in the forest, a gap in the leaves aloud bright daylight to stream into the dark forest. Where exactly was she? She couldn't be too far away from Gothafar's camp...

There was a sudden sound, like a deep growl; it came from the trees. Reiness placed a hand on her bow, and touched a finger to her tunic where the stone lay beneath the thick material. The noise stopped, and an eire silence followed.

Was that it? she wondered glancing around.

Her question was answered when something burst from the trees, Reiness whipped around with her bow armed with an arrow.

"Reiness?!" Thalia lowered Orcrist.

"Thalia?" Reiness lowered her bow," What in Mordor happened?"

"You're magic flame ran out and the orcs started chasing us," Taurith told her, panting," I think we've lost them."

"What happened? Why are you way out here?" Aileara asked.

"It's complicated," Reiness grimaced, she suddenly yanked her bow back up," And I think they've found you."

Taurith whipped her daggers out and Aileara her her sword; the orcs crashed through the trees, snarling viciously. It looked like the legions had split up, for their were fewer than Reiness remembered. She released an arrow and it flew until it found it's mark in an orc's forehead. They were indeed outmatched, very outmatched. Taurith retrieved a dagger from inside her boot and launched it into the hoard of orcs, knocking one off his feet and to the ground.

"There are too many!" Thalia shouted, cleanly beheading an orc with Orcrist.

The orcs formed a full circle around them, and began to close in.

"I will not surrender to a pack of orc filith!" Thalia snarled at them.
They laughed and the leader reached for Reiness, she yanked her palm up on instinct, not prepared at all with what was fixing to occur. It was a literal explosion, the light that exploded from Reiness' palm was blinding; much more powerful than she'd intended. It met with the orcs, who had a split second to register their fear on their faces, before they dissolved into nothing like the Ahrithmas. When the light disappeared, the clearing remained empty except for Reiness, Thalia, Aileara, and Taurith.
Reiness let out a shaky breath as she lowered her hand; her hair blowing back from the explosion of light.

"What. Was. That?" Aileara asked between steady breaths.

Reiness turned to face them, they both looked at her with wide eyes.

"Rein, how did you do that?" Taurith said slowly.

How did I do that? Reiness wondered, How in Mordor did I...oh.

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