10. The Prince's Anger

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Kilith was instantly jolted awake by the sudden loud noise.

What in Mordor...? he wondered.

He leapt to his feet, a ran in the direction of the bars; though he couldn't see them, the darkness dimmed even more at night. He could see nothing beyond his cell, but he could hear scuffling. Suddenly, there was a bright, white light; too bright, and Kilith had to squint to avoid loosing his eye-sight. Her heard the scream of the Ahrithmas, a blood-curling shriek. Then, the light went out.

He considered calling out to Rein, but she hadn't spoken to him since the day before...or had it been two days ago? It was difficult to keep track of time in the middle of a dungeon. Then, there was sliver of light in the distance. Kilith stared at it, not sure what to make of it. The light began to grow, as if getting closer; Kilith retreated to the back of the cell. Then, when the light was right outside his cell, it grew to where it illuminated it's holder.

"Rein?" Kilith breathed, as she peered at him with her blue eyes, bright as ever.

"You may want to step back," she said.

He scrambled out if the way, and she took a step back; the light in her palm flaring to where it hid her face from view. And then- BOOM. Kilith hit the ground and the light connected with the door, and blasted through the cell.

"Come on!"

Kilith felt a strong arm yank him up, and he realized that he could actually see; the torches had been lit with a bright, orange flame that seemed to brighten up the dungeon. Now that he could see her clearly, he had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

If you just looked at her, you'd never know she'd been trapped in a dungeon for the past three years. She'd gone from beautiful, to drop-dead gorgeous. Her silvery white-blonde locks had been cut to where the ends reached just below her shoulder blades. Her creamy skin was just as flawless as her features, and her ice-blue eyes seemed to glow as much as her light. Her white tunic was still stark white, as were her pants and cape. She looked completely unaffected, unlike Kilith who looked as though he'd been here for years instead of days.

She ran down the steps of the platform, her energy seemed to be spiking.

I suppose this is what happens after you lock a Nature Queen up, Kilith thought, trying to catch up to her; his own energy dragging.

"How did you do do that?" he asked her once he'd caught up.

"Simple, I used all my energy and blasted my way out," she replied.

"With light?"


He was confused, but it didn't look like she was going to explain. They reached the stairs, which she shot up. Kilith sighed, and tried to catch up; luckily, she waited.

"Stay behind me," she told him, "There's bound to be hundreds of Ahrithmas up there."

Kilith frowned, since when did a female give him orders?

His thoughts were written on his face, and her eyes eyes narrowed; her look was a warning, as if daring him to say his thoughts aloud. He said nothing as she turned and ran out the door, where the horrid black creatures waited.


Ronan frowned, arms crossed as he stood beside Legolas (who stood the exact same way, his face with the exact same expression). Neither of them were happy about any of this. Arabia sat on her throne, which was something Ronan hadn't seen since he'd been a child. His eyes were narrowed as Thalia led Eyelene towards them, she looked around with wide eyes. When Aileara stopped, Eyelene proceeded to bow.

"Oh, there's no need for that!" Arabia said instantly, holding a hand up.

Eyelene looked up in surprise, and then rose to her feet.

"My son tells me that you are traveling from up north."

"Yes, from the mountains of Angmar, your Grace," Eyelene said.

"Please, call me Arabia."

Another look of surprise crossed Eyelene's face.

"The Angmar Mountains are quite a long way from here, where exactly are you going?" Legolas asked, a cold note in his voice.

"My grandparents live along the border of Nimrais, and my mother sent me to make sure they are well," Eyelene replied.

Arabia shot Legolas a look, and rose from her throne. She was in armor, making her look like a valiant warrior; through the gold circlet around her head showed a sign of her authoriy.

"Unfortunately, we cannot allow you to leave this kingdom until the we know that the orcs are cleared out," she said, walking down the steps.

Ronan and Legolas glanced at each other, each with a look of utter shock.

"Arabia-" Legolas started.

"You shall stay as an honored guest," Arabia ignored her husband as he proceeded to inturupt.

"Really?" Eyelene's eyes brightened.

"Really?" Ronan whispered to Legolas.

"Of course," Arabia smiled.

"Thank you! I've never even dreamed of staying in such a place!"

Ronan had to hold his breath to keep from snapping a retort, he had never been more sure of an imposter in his life.

"Eyelith, will show you to your room," Arabia continued, ignoring her son and husband altogether.

"Eyelith? What a beautiful name!" Eyelene exclaimed.

Ronan turned and rolled his eyes, but he knew that Aileara was glaring at him.

"Thank you, I must admit you remind me of someone..."

Their conversation continued until the two had left, then:

"Are you mad?!" Ronan hissed at his mother, earning himself a sharp look,"You just let a random stranger stay in the heart of our kingdom!"

"What is wrong with you?" asked Aileara ," She's just a girl! Not some evil witch!"

"And how do we know that?" asked Ronan, his tone seething," any witch can create a disguise to cover her true form!"

"You just think that every person you meet is going to be some evil sorcerer! You can't see the good in anything anymore!"

"NO! I can't see the good in anything any more because unlike you, I still remember the fact that my sister AND my best friend are GONE!"

Ronan didn't have time to apologize, for Aileara leapt at him; her sword out. Legolas was faster than either of them, and caught Aileara before her blade could slice Ronan's arms off.

"Enough of this!" Arabia's voice shook the room.

Ronan looked at Aileara , who's eyes were full of fire.

"Aileara -"

But Aileara had already yanked herself out of Legolas' grip, and was stalking towards the door.

Ronan sighed heavely,

Why did I say that? he wondered.

He realized he had his sword in his hand, and he dropped it before walking off.

"Let him go," Arabia said, grabbing Legolas' arm.

"I can't just let him go!" he snapped.

Arabia raised her eyes, and Legolas sighed.

"He's struggling, you know this," he said.

"We're all struggling with the loss of Rein. And Thalia."

"Though some of us hide it better than others."

Arabia narrowed her eyes,

"Leave him be, he needs time," she cast a look back at him," and he is not the only one."

She walked off, leaving Legolas in a cross mood that was likely to last for the next few days.

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