34. Thalia returns to Thorin

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"The Lady Rein has returned!"

The words echoed around as Rein and Thalia rode into camp, heads turned as she rode past. Most expressions were surprised, but some were relieved. Why? Did they think she would die on the journey? Did they think she was just some princess who couldn't care for herself? Did they-


Reiness was jolted out of her accusing thoughts by Thranduil, dressed in full body armor with his sword hanging at his side. She slid off Eildron's fur and to the ground, landing lightly on her feet.

Thranduil folded her into his arms, surprising her with the sudden hospitality.

"You're safe," he said, putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Of course she's safe,"

Reiness smiled as her mother's clear voice rang out behind her.

"She's no ordinary elf," Arabia's expression displayed what Reiness had always wanted to see in her mother's eyes when she looked at her; a proud expression that filled her with a warm feeling, seeping up through her body.

"Mom," Reiness laughed as she strode over and Arabia caught her in her strong grip.

"Where's the stone?" she whispered in her ear.

Reiness smile widened even further,

"You never doubted me once, did you?" she said.

"Why should I?"

Reiness sighed in relief, if Arabia Wolf had faith in her, than she didn't have any reason what-so-ever to doubt herself.

"Well, that's more reassuring than everyone else's answer," she muttered.

Arabia laughed,
"Yes, I'm sure it is. But they have all the reason to feel guilty, don't you agree?" she said," and Thalia, I always knew you'd return to us."

"As did I," Thalia nodded, and glanced back and Thranduil; his eyes were narrowed,

"Your daughter is just as reckless as your son," he told Legolas, who stood with his arms crossed; watching Reiness' reunion with Arabia.

His eyes narrowed, Thranduil's words were dangerous.

"But, your wife is more reckless than them both. And I suppose we'd be no where without the Lady Arabia."

A rare smile spread across his face, and Legolas' expression smoothed out in relief.

"Thank you, King Thranduil," Arabia gave him a smile.

Reiness knew that her mother had once been the Captain of the Gaurdat Mirkwood, it was long ago, before Sauron had regained his full strength. She remembered asking why Arabia left, it seemed like just yesterday.


Reiness peeked into the room, where Legolas was fastening his shoulder armor and her Arabia sat cross-legged on the bed reading a book. It was one of the last times Reiness remembered seeing only her father in armor and not her mother, for back then Arabia didn't half to join the guard unless she wanted...now was different.
"Ah! There's my little leaf," Arabia snapped her book close, her expression lighting up as Reiness bounded over.
Reiness climbed up on the bed and hopped into her mother's lap, folding her knees under her.
"Where's your brother?" Legolas asked, adjusting the armor on his forearm.
"Here," Ronan darted into the room hopping up on the bed beside Arabia.
She chuckled, and glanced at Legolas; they shared a knowing smile, their children truly couldn't be separated. Reiness and Ronan were no older than six, and both were beautiful children; already smarter than the average eight-year-old human child.
"Mama, weren't you Captain of the Guard in Mirkwood once?" Reiness asked.
Legolas' hands froze at his arm, and he looked up at Arabia; she glanced over at him before answering the question.
"It was long ago, why do you ask?"
"Because you left, didn't you? I want to know why," Reiness looked up at her eagerly.
"Well," Arabia shifted into a more comfortable position,
"I left my home in Rivendell so that I could fight and be part of a cause, for King Thranduil's woodland elves had a lot more battle experience than the armies at Rivendell. I became Captain of the Guard after three years of being there, and I remained that way for six-hundred years."
She paused to throw another glance at Legolas, who had moved back to his shoulder armor; Arabia knew he was listening intently, though.
"One day, we came across some dwarves wondering the forest."
"The Dwarves of Erebor!" Ronan piped up, leaning on his elbows.
"Yes," Arabia chuckled,
"They were indeed the Dwarves of Erebor. King Thranduil was not pleased, so he threw them in the dungeons."
"And you let him?" Reiness frowned.
"I couldn't do anything about it, I was a-"
"Your mother tried to convince herself and everyone else that she was a lowly Sylvan Elf," Legolas cut in, giving Arabia a sharp look.
"You're no Sylvan Elf, Mama!" Ronan said.
"No, she is not."
Legolas raised an eyebrow, returning to his armor.
"Anyway," Arabia gave him a quieting look before returning to the story,
"We'd been encountering a lot of spiders that were spawning in Dol Guldur, they kept returning to the forest because the King wouldn't allow us to kill them at their source. It didn't sit well with me, for when we drove the spiders off they were going to spread and ravage other lands."
She played with her necklace, recalling the many adventures chasing after spiders in Mirkwood.
"The dwarves had been fighting the spiders when we found them, and after a night in the dungeons, they escaped."
"Escaped?" Ronan scoffed," You can't escape Mirkwood! It's impossible!"
"From the inside you can't," Arabia leaned forward to whisper,
"But it's possible if you have an unseen helper about."
"Bilbo Baggins!" Reiness hopped up and down, she obviously knew the story well.
"Yes, indeed. He snuck in, broke the dwarves out and they escaped through the river. We had them, but an orc pack that was hunting them did too. The dwarves escaped because the Guard was busy with all the orcs, we captured one but all the others ran off."
"You captured an orc?" Ronan shriveled his nose.
"Indeed, and he told us of the great darkness that was coming."
"That's when he lost his head," Legolas put in," Literally."
"The King would not accept anything the creature said and forbid me to go after the pack, but deep inside I knew that it was my responsibility to watch over this dimension; I couldn't just let them go."
"So, you went after them?" Reiness' expression screamed curiosity, her eyes eager for more.
"Yes, but I knew that if I left, then someone would come after me. And I was correct."
She looked over at Legolas, who smiled and walked over; kneeling beside the bed.
"Don't ever do what your mother did," he said to the twins.
Arabia rolled her eyes.
"Why not?" Reiness demanded, "She just left, what's the harm in that?"
"She directly disobeyed the King and walked us straight into war," Legolas told her.
"But it was the right thing to do," Ronan pointed out.
Legolas scoffed, and Arabia grinned.
"Yes it was, Ronan. Though your father still doesn't get why recklessness is sometimes a good thing," she said.
"What happened then?" Reiness asked eagerly.
"I convinced the young prince to come with me, and we followed the pack. I won't bore you with the rest of the details, but out there with no one to command me but myself out there, it made me realize how much I missed being my own Master. In fact, I'm not sure Thranduil was ever my King. I may have followed his orders, but never exactly the way he wanted."
"So, you left because you didn't like being ordered around?" Ronan concluded.
"I left because I needed to be involved in the world, behind the walls of Mirkwood I wasn't able to fight for what I knew to be right. That is why I left," Arabia finished," Does that answer all of your questions, Rein?"
Reiness nodded slowly,
"I suppose," she said.
"Was Ada the young prince?" Ronan asked, looking at Legolas.
"Indeed he was," Arabia replied.
"Right, young prince who also happens to be a thousand years older than you," Legolas muttered.
"Oh, so now your concerned with age?" Arabia gave him a playful glare.
"Wait, Ada you eventually left Mirkwood didn't you?" Rein looked at him, her eyes still burning with questions.
Legolas and Arabia glanced at each other, Reiness had always been one for curiosity, but never quite like this.
"Yes," Legolas told her slowly," After the battle where the dwarves, elves, and men combined their armies, I too realized that in Mirkwood I couldn't be involved in what was to come. After your mother left the Guard and returned to Rivendell, I realized what she had when she left."
"And what was that?" Reiness asked.
He looked to Arabia, allowing her to answer.
"That in order to find who you are, you must leave your comfort zone," she told them.
"So, your the reason Ada left Mirkwood?" Ronan said, looking to his father.
Legolas nodded.
"Good job, Mama," Reiness looked up at Arabia.
Arabia laughed as Legolas rolled his eyes and stood up, placing his hands on his waist. Ronan hopped up and climbed on his back, wrapping his arms around his father's neck.
"We're just kidding, Ada," he assured.
"Oh, sure you are."
Legolas reached around and pulled Ronan off his back, grabbing him in his arm.
"No, you are right. I did leave because of your mother, and it was the best choice I'd ever made," he grinned up at Arabia.
Reiness looked up, smiling at her mother.
"I'm glad you think so."
Arabia ran her hands through Rein's hair and laced her hands with her daughter's tiny, delicate ones. Ronan leaned his head against Legolas' cheek, smiling.
Arabia's expression was happy, her smile filled with a happiness that no one could dim.

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