22. The Start of a Journey

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"Ready?" Reiness asked Eildron.

The great cat shook his furry head, and gazed at her through his bright eyes; glowing in the dim lighting of Reiness' room. She was in the attire she'd set out earlier; all weapons on her, with her hair in her new-found messy braid. She'd slug her knapsack over her shoulder, and was adjusting her quiver-strap. Eildron had a gold leather strap that wrapped around his furry neck with a white jewel embedded in the center of his throat; a symbol that would prove that he belonged to Reiness.

"Alright," Reiness started down the stairs, Eildron following on his light paws.

They crept through the palace, making no noise and being practically invisable. It was late, but the guards still patroled around. Reiness reached the stairs, where she once again subdued the gaurds, and waited. Finally, Aileara ran up the stairs; dressed similarly with a dark brown tunic and a pale blue cape.

"Sorry, I thought we might need some provisions!" she whispered, revealing a second bag that looked to be stuffed with full-course meals.

"Good thinking," Reiness said.

They glanced at the door, and then back at each other.

"I don't know about this, Rein," Aileara said.

"She's not who she thinks she is, she wants nothing to do with her mother. She can help us," Reiness assured.

"You are the leader," Aileara pushed open the door.

"Are you ready?" Reiness asked, stepping inside.

"I suppose, but you honestly think I'll get anywhere in this?" Malice' looked down at her dress.

"I've got something you can change into, but we need to hurry!" Reiness hissed.


They left everything just the way it was when they came, no one would notice unless they actually went in the room. They quickly ran down the steps, and while still remaining hidden, out of the palace and into the stables.

"We must hurry before someone sees us," Aileara said as she saddled her horse, a white stallion named Eithriel.

"What will they do, shoot us?" Malice' hissed as she fastened the belt of the tunic Reiness had given her.

"They will try to stop us if they see us," Reiness told her, handing her the reins of a mare.

"Then let's not be seen," Malice' snatched the reins and mounted.

"Good plan," Aileara muttered.

"Follow my lead," Reiness swung herself up on Eildron and took hold of the thick fur around his neck.

I've escaped a kingdom once, let's see if I can do it again, she thought.

"To the border!" she whispered to Eildron.

He leapt forward, quietly slipped through the stable doors, and padded quickly and quietly across the bridge; Thalia and Malice' following.

"Your majesty-?"

Eildron leapt over the guards, darting into the forest; Reiness glanced back at their confused expressions as they watched her, Aileara , and Malice' ride off into the forest.

"What if there's a patrol out?" Aileara asked.

"There shouldn't be unless Ronan or Legolas decided to take one out!" Reiness hissed back.

"And if there is?" Malice' asked, her tone annoyed.

"Then we will deal with then without killing anyone!" snapped Reiness, casting a hard look back at her.

The night was silent except for the horse's hooves along the the white cobblestone; Eildron's paws made no noise. Reiness remembered the nights here before she left, before the cloud cover. The sky was an indigo canvas that covered the sky, and thousands of tiny white stars dotted the sky. Now the sky was a dark, muddy brown; the moon and stars hidden under the thick blanket of cloud cover. Little droplets began to fall,

The enchanted torches that stood ever few yards, lining the road, lit and dimmed as Reiness flew past; the light rain not affecting them.

Finally, they reached the Elven gate. Reiness suddenly yanked Eildron to a stop, the other two horses thundered past; stopping after going through the gate.

Reiness looked back at the forest, wondering if she'd ever see it again. If she did this, there was a chance that she wouldn't come back. The torches surrounded the gate began to glow brighter, glaring with bright white light at Reiness' presence.

"Reiness!" Aileara yelled in a whisper.

"Eildron, go!" Reiness hissed.

Once again, the giant cat leapt forward into the moorland; racing to the lead of the group, for he had no tolerance for being last.


"Aragorn, have you seen Reiness?" Ronan asked as he looked over the stairs at Aragorn below," She didn't she up to the morning patrol."

"Not this morning, and come think of it, I haven't seen Aileara either," Aragorn frowned, leaning his sword on his shoulder.

Ronan narrowed his dark eyes,

"I'll be right back," he said slowly before running back up the stairs; leaving Aragorn with a confused expression.

He burst through the door to Rein's tower,

"Rein?!" he called.

There was no reply.

Frowning, he walked across the room and up the stairs to her room.

"Reiness?!" he called again.

But there was no one in the room, and there was no sign that anybody had been in the room. A light breeze blew through the open wall, it was too quiet.

Ronan walked over to the neatly made bed, and moved a pillow aside to reveal a note. With his eyes narrowing even further, he picked it up and began reading:

I've had to take matters into my own hands due to the Council's decision, and I will most likely be near the border when this note is read. I will meet you at the overlook of Fanghorn once I have the stone.

Ronan crushed the note in his hand, one thought in his mind,

Reiness, what have you done?

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