28. The Princes' Sacrafice

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"This is madness," Kilith stated as he stared at the forest.
"Agreed," Ronan replied, nodding.
They were on the opposite side of the moor, facing the forest; what they were about to attempt was incredibly stupid and moronic, yet they were still going to attempt it.
"I hope this works or this entire quest will have been for nothing," Kilith said.
"We must have faith," Ronan smiled.
He remembered his mother's words just a year after Rein had disapeared, when he had nearly lost hope.



Ronan heard Arabia's voice outside of the room, it was distant, like everything he now heard. He sat on the stairs in Rein's tower, thinking of how much he missed her...how much he needed her now. He'd done nothing for the past year but search, searching from dawn until dusk and sometimes even dusk until the next dawn. He was exhausted, but he didn't care. The thought had finally crossed his mind as he'd dragged himself back into the forest, returning from Ered at a time too late to mention.

What if she really was gone? What if she really had just left and wasn't coming back? Or worse, what if she had been caught by orcs and killed? No. He would not think like that.


Ronan heard the door opened, but kept his eyes fixed on the wall across from him.

Arabia walked up to join him, sitting down next to him on the steps.

t was hard to look at her, she reminded him too much of Rein. She was in her armor, it was strange for Ronan for his mother usually only wore armor during battles, but now everyone wore armor all the time. He'd become so fed up with the orcs lately that he felt they weren't even worth fighting, they'd just keep coming so what was the point?

She sighed, her eyes resting on Rein's bow lying across his lap.

"Did you find anything?" she asked gently.

"Why do you even bother asking?" Ronan replied hardly, shaking his head," Of course I didn't. How bad was the attack?"

"It wasn't the worst we've had," Arabia said," And I bother asking because because just a slightest sign of anything could lead us to her."

"If she wants to be lead to," Ronan muttered, but he knew she'd be able to hear.

She frowned,

"Ronan, what are talking about?" she asked.

"Mom, she just disapeared! And at this point I'm considering two scenarios: she ran away or she's-" he broke off, he couldn't say it out loud.

"You know that neither of you scenarios are true," Arabia replied instantly.

"Do I? I don't know anymore!" he clenched his fists, and glared at the wall; trying to steady his heart-rate. He couldn't cry. He wouldn't.

"Ronan, you must have faith."

"How? Thalia's gone now too." he looked over at her, his eyes burning with the tears he wouldn't spill.

"You just have to believe and know in your heart that your sister and Thalia will find their way back to us," she gave him a sad smile, "You must have faith."

Ronan sighed, she was right. As usual. He now felt stupid for considering that she could have died, she was a Nature Queen who'd never been beaten in combat! And she'd never just run away, she loved her home, it was the reason she always fought so hard to protect it.

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