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Ronan poked his head around the corner, glancing around.

"Anything?" Kilith asked from behind him.

"Just a few guards," Ronan replied," But they won't be suspicious, I am the Prince after all."

They crept around the road, avoiding being seen by any guards; it was dark, almost midnight. Ronan had made a hasty decision, one that if gone wrong would most likely get him locked in the palace for the next hundred years. He was in a thick green tunic that would be comfortable to travel in, no armor on him.

"Wait!" he hissed, yanking Kilith behind a tree.

"What?" Kilith whispered.

"My father."

Legolas strode past the tree and towards the entrance of the stables, stopping to speak with the guards.

"Is all clear?" he asked.

"Yes, My Lord. We've seen nothing," the guard on the right replied.

"Good," Legolas glanced around," No matter what you must do, if the prince comes here you will not allow him to enter the stables.

"Yes, My Lord!" the guards replied.

Legolas nodded and walked off.

"Great," Ronan muttered," He's onto us."

"What are we to do, then?" Kilith asked.

Ronan grimaced, he didn't like the direction this was going to head.


"Hault!" the guards raised their swords.

"I'm sorry, is there a problem?" Kilith asked as he walked up with his hands raised.

"No one is to pass beyond this point!" the guards continued, not lowering their weapons.

Kilith sighed,

"Then, I apologize," he said.

The guards glanced at each other, then fell unconscious as Ronan hit them hard from behind.

"Get them inside!" he hissed, grabbing one's ankles and dragging them in the stable.

Kilith did as he was told and hauled the other guard in, closing the doors behind him. They threw the guards on the mound of hay in the corner and headed to the stalls, where they retrieved their horses.

The stable was quite lavish, with two levels and shining mahogany wood. Ronan had spent quite a lot of time in the stables when he was younger, the horses were quiet and they brought him some peace for some strange reason.

"How long do we have?" Kilith asked as he saddled his bay gelding.

"About five minutes," Ronan replied, fastening the bridle on his own gray stallion.

I was a fool to lie to my father, he thought, after all, his father could tell better than anyone when Ronan was lying.

He'd seen it, Ronan was almost sure that his father had seen straight through the lie he'd told.

Enough! Ronan thought to himself, grabbing his knapsack and mounting his horse, Araes.

"Alright, what is your plan?" Kilith asked from atop Mithren.

"When is there ever a plan?" Ronan replied, strapping his swords to his back.

He sighed,

"I'm not sure how well this is going to go, but we head for the bridge and we don't stop for anything," he said.

Light of the Stone (Lord of the Rings Story)Where stories live. Discover now