1. Young Warriors

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It was early morning, and the sun had yet to rise. Guards patrolled around, looking sharp; unaware of the small, hooded figure sneaking around.

Cairendes was a magnificent kingdom, quite similar to Rivendell. Everything was made of dark mahogany, with elegant white and green vines trailing around. The kingdom itself was in the center of a deciduous forest, with trees as large as the ones in Mirkwood, near the Ettenmoor mountains. The forest was known as White Woods, the trees with bark as white as the snow that fell.The entrance was an elven gate made of glimmering silver with white and green jewels encrusted in, those who entered the gate would be in the territory of Queen Arabia. The elven road was simple white cobblestone that led through the trees, and eventually you'd come to another gate; this one with four guards standing watch, for it was the only way through the tight cluster of elegantly twined vines that lay over the trees. Beyond that was a full view of the kindom: the first thing your eyes would catch was the palace. It stood magnificently at the edge of the kingdom, towering over the other buildings that were scattered around. Directly after passing the gate, there was a bridge over the Adorn River, which curved around and disappeared into the palace. The entire kingdom was set on the edge of a cliff, and the palace was literally built on the edge.

The small figure crept down the stairs, peeking around the corner to make sure that the coast was clear. They crept down the hall and into a room with a high arched ceiling and a ring of polished wooden rails around the outer side of the room, and crouched down. Legolas was speaking with a guard in the center of the room,

"We have border patrols along the east and west border, My Lord," the guard said.

"Good," Legolas replied.

Most elvish kingdoms spoke only Elvish, but the Queen had them speak english.

"I fear that the orcs will will attack again soon," the guard looked grave.

Legolas nodded, looking weary; he dismissed the guard. As soon as he had left the room, the hooded figure leapt out into the open and discarded her cloak.

"You will never tough this kingdom, orc!" the girl hissed, she held a bow of oakwood with elegant swirls carved into the side.

Legolas turned, and drew one of his swords from his back,

"I doubt that, little she-elf," he snarled.

The girl gave the bow a single tight shake, and a silver blade slid out of the front of it.

"I am no mere she-elf!" she leapt at him, and the two blades met," I am Reiness Wolf of Cairendes!

For someone so small, Reiness was impressive; she fought with just as much power as Legolas, with added twists and flipps.

"You are an impressive one," Legolas said, swiping his blade at her.

She flipped back onto the edge of the railing, and slashed her blade to meet his sword; when this happened, Legolas' blade flew from his hand and into the wall-narrowly missing the head of the Queen.

Legolas and Reiness looked at each other, and then back at Arabia; she narrowed her eyes.

"It was the orc!" whispered Reiness, jerking her head towards Legolas.

Arabia narrowed her eyes, and stood back up to full hight.

"Not a wise decision orc," she said, she whipped her daggers out and twisted them in her hands.

Legolas drew his other swords, and Arabia went for him. Reiness hopped down from the railing and backed up, she didn't want to get between this battle. The two were skilled, both with equal force darting back and forth with the speed of light. Legolas was probably one of the best warriors on Middle-Earth, but there was no one who could beat Arabia. She whipped around and knocked Legolas' blade out of his hand, just as Reiness had.

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