First Look at Life of the Forest

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It's officially been two years since I left Narnia to travel to Everess. All had been well in the Sun Kingdom, all is quiet. Two more guards came to the village from the Golden Palace with the same message from King David- It would be an honor for you to join our cause. But what cause is that? I see no problem with the White Queen, in fact, I think her so-called 'darkness' that everyone speaks of is a false accusation. Cody and Dylan got into trouble, yet again yesterday when some boy was bullying another. Of course, they had to step in. On a much better note, it looks like King David has finally given up on recruiting me.
Marina snapped her journal closed and let out a sigh.
Or I hope he has, she thought.
King David seemed to have his mind set upon her to help him defeat Jaderen, the White Queen of Darkness. The name made no sense, if she was so dark, why not just change her name to the Black Queen of Darkness?
Marina put these thoughts away as she got to her feet; leaning against the maple tree, she gazed around.
This was her usual morning spot, where she sat in the soft grass to write in the journal she'd brought; she'd never missed a day to write.
Slowly, she walked down the hill and headed back towards the village.
Marina, now seventeen, was gorgeous. Her hair reached to the middle of her back, handing in brown waves around her shoulder; her almond-shaped eyes the color of dark chocolate, with the same spark of curiosity as she'd had since birth. She wore the same tunic as the one she'd arrived in (since she hadn't hardly grown at all), and the butterflies still floated around her; following her as she walked.
She walked into the village, getting smiles and greetings. She was quite well-liked by the people there, her brothers on the other hand...that was a different story.
"Good morning, Ms. Marina!" called a plump little women tending to her garden.
"Good morning!" Marina greeted as she passed.
She got a few more greetings before reaching her cottage on the edge of the village; it was slightly separated from the other little cottages, with colorful butterflies floating around the wildflowers growing through the green grass that lined the house.
She pushed the door open, closing it behind her.
"Your back early," Cody said as she walked in.
He sat at the round wooden table in the corner of the living room, drawing something on a piece of parchment stretched across the surface.
"I didn't have much of an update to write about," Marina replied," What is that?"
"A map of the Sun Kingdom."
He held it up, a piece of the parchment was filled up, leaving lots of spare space.
"We've been here for two years, I thought I might chart it down before we leave."
His eyebrows raised as he said this, his eyes hinting another message.
"I think I'll wait another few months before we leave," Marina said, glancing out the window.
"Marina, this is a mission," Cody reminded her.
"Mom's first mission lasted eight years, and besides- I like it here!"
Cody rolled his eyes, and sighed.
"And this is my mission, not yours; you are just a ride-along," Marina told him.
He grimaced, and the door opened; Dylan darted in, and shut the door quickly.
"What did you do now?" Marina asked, putting her hands on her hips.
"Don't ask."
Dylan and Cody were very easy to tell apart now; Cody still kept to his modern style, his hair still short with it's modern flick. Dylan's hair was to the nape of his neck, matching the medieval style. Cody still wore t-shirts with his black trousers and boots, while Dylan wore a deer-skin jacket.
He walked over,
"Did you tell her?" he asked Cody.
"Yes," Cody replied.
"We aren't going anywhere."
Dylan looked at Marina,
"We can't stay here forever!" he snapped.
"We won't," Marina assured," Just a few more months."
She walked around the corner to where her room was; it was small, with a white bed and a nightstand. It was comfy and the open window aloud the tips of the colorful wildflowers to be seen, butterflies wondered in as she entered; setting her book on the nightstand. She walked back into the main room (which had the table in the corner by another window, a pantry, and a couple of armchairs);
"Oh, and we got another one of these."
Cody gave her a look as he tossed her a letter, tightly sealed with a fiery gold sun.
Marina gave a harsh sigh, and snatched the envelope; not even reading it, she tossed it in the trash.
"You aren't even going to open it?" Dylan said as she tossed it away.
"No, because I've already told given his majesty my answer," Marina said curtly.
"Maybe they need you," suggested Cody.
"Need me for what?"
Marina gestured out the window,
"There so-called war against the White Queen of Darkness? Do you see any war? Tell me if you do, because then I will happily join this war. But until then, Jaderen is not my concern."
In a room of white, where everything was a blinding white, Jaderen sat; her young face was thoughtful.
One of her guards, dressed in armor painted red walked in.
"Your majesty," he said," what are your orders?"
Jaderen glanced at him, her blue eyes piercing.
"Come with me," she ordered.
She rose from her throne and left the room, walking across the hall and into another room. This one was darker, with walls of black stone and no windows. In the center of the room was a crystal ball sitting on a stand, the sphere swirled with color. The guard closed the door behind them as Jaderen walked over to the crystal ball, known as the Oracal.
"I saw her come two years ago," she said, her voice emotionless," and now King David is trying to recruit her to destroy me."
The guard remained silent as she spoke, not daring to interrupt.
"I should have destroyed her when she arrived, for she must be the one my dear sister spoke of long ago."
"What shall we do then, my Queen?" the guard asked.
A sly smile appeared on Jaderen's face,
"Nothing, my Lady?"
The guard looked utterly confused, but Jaderen continued to smile.
"Nothing. For I already have my plan underway, and I have sent them to her."
"Them? You don't mean-"
"Yes, indeed I do. The Wraiths of Morgui."

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