Ch 8- The Journey begins!

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Kougyoku couldn't believe it.

Kouen really had to do it. Goddammit!

"Why is he here?"

He grinned.

"Why you ask, well, there is this girl named Miss Kougyoku who decided to go on a little walk that literally almost killed her." He hissed.

Kougyoku gritted her teeth. "Shut up" she spat out.

"Can do" He grinned. 

She rolled her eyes.

She was an empress. She could take care of herself.

And apparently, nobody fucking saw that!!!!

She groaned and shot "I wanna kill you" glare at the stupid person.

Aladdin laughed.

Yep, the person Kouen sent was Aladdin, of all people to choose from, he chooses him to protect her.

She couldn't argue that he was strong, like crazy strong, but he was so damn annoying, and cocky, too. 

She turned to the general, whose name was Saito, and opened her mouth to talk to him.

"How many more days until we reach our destination, general?

General Saito looked at the direction in which Reim was located and he squinted his eyes.

"About 1 and half more days, your majesty."

She sighed. "At least we made it halfway through the journey" She thought.

She looked at the setting sun.

She smiled.

The setting sun was something her mother would make fun of. 

She would say that it looks like a half orange sticking out of someone's mouth.

Now, Kougyoku couldn't exactly say it looks like a semi-orange, but when she was driven by vengeance, she would look at the setting sun.

It would calm her nerves.


She turned her head to see Ka Kaboun on his horse coming to her side.

"Its going to be nightfall soon, we need to make a camp."

"Of course, Everyone, stop and start building a camp" She yelled to her troops

Her troops stopped and followed her directions.

After 2 hours, their camp was fully set up and she could finally sit down on something comfortable and not a horse's backbone.

She reached for her pouch that contained the information on the males who abused their opposite gender.

She looked closely at the knives, specifically at the ancient engravings.

She couldn't recognize the language. After countless research attempts, she still couldn't find the correct one. Hell, even Koumei didn't know.

She was trying remember what exactly the men had said to her when she heard her voice at her tent, and she hurriedly put her stuff away.


"Come in, Ka Koubon.

He came in, with her dinner and his.

He sat down and gave her dinner to her.

"Thank you"

"No worries, the food is not poisoned, I check first"

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