July 18, 2018

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How I Found The Twins
It was a normal summer day for me.
I had my "very very very very best friend in the entire universe" over (I call her that because of a text that I sent to my dad that she was trying to help me word correctly and she said to put that so it has kind of stuck... but her real name is Caitlynn) along with my cousin (kayley) who I hadn't had over in a long time and my neighbor was over too. While we were all hanging out we had went swimming in my pool, rode bikes, played just dance and danced to "baby shark" and "crazy frog" like complete retards and got a few videos of the baby shark dance we did. (maybe🤭🤫😉😂)
Once it got to 8-ish my neighbor went back to her house and it was just Caitlynn, Kayley and I hanging out. We didn't really know what to do at that point so we were just hanging out in my room on our phones (and I had lit a "vanilla pumpkin marshmallow" scented candle in my room so I connect that scent with this day and everything so it brings good memories). At one point we were on the musical.ly app.(yes I know what I'm saying, at that time it was still musical.ly and hadn't yet become tiktok) we were just scrolling through the for you page on the app trying to find some cute guys and we had found a few but most the time if you see a cute guy on the app, they were either: gay, trans, live in a different state or country, or they were too old/young. I had kept seeing these boys though, they were cute but I didn't pay attention to their name or anything cause I thought they were under one of those categories like most boys I had seen on the app. I noticed that the profile picture had changed from previous times I had seen the "one" person so I took a look at the username and read "joewaud" or "jasonwaud" (I don't remember which one it was at this point) and thought:
Oh, I feel bad for him, he must get bullied for having the last name "waud"
So I kept scrolling through and looking for cute boys when Caitlynn showed me someone named Jason Waud. I looked at his video on there and read the name and realized that it was the guy that I had felt bad for because of his last name. I didn't saying anything about that though and just brought up the fact that he could be gay or too old or one of those things. Caitlynn, thinking that he's really super freaking cute (which he is) wanted to find out those things for herself. Now I hadn't thought to check out their profiles because I had already checked out a bunch of other profiles that I was "let down" by because of the person being gay, trans, or too old/young or any of those things. But Caitlynn checked his profile which didn't give much information so she went onto his Instagram page and found 3 major things which have brought me to this point where I am writing this "story"
1- he was 15 (at the time)
2-he's a twins
3- they live in Washington state!
So let me explain a bit there: 1- at the time of finding them Caitlynn and I were 15. I turned 16 in October (I was born in 2002) and Caitlynn turned 16 in March (she was born in 2003, two days before the twins who as any fan knows- their birthday is March 14, 2003 so they turned 16 about 5 months after me) 2- Jason being a twin was good because Caitlynn and I both liked him and we agreed that Joe was "my twin" and Jason was "Caitlynn's twin" meaning like if we were to date them then I would get to date Joe and she would date Jason if that were to work out and it helped with the fact that I was confused on the profile picture changing so often when I had seen them thinking they were just one person and Jason had put Joe's @ in his bio so we went to check out Joe's Instagram which leads to 3- which is that they live in Washington. In Joe's bio on Instagram he had their P.O. Box which said the city and state that they live in and I saw that they live in Washington state, and that doesn't seem like that big of a deal until you realize that I live in Washington too. So Caitlynn and I had just found really cute boys  who are our age and live in the same state as us. So we started to follow them on Instagram and musical.ly  that night which started a lot more than I had ever expected it to.

A/n: so that's the story of how I found the twins... vote on this or comment to let me know if you liked it and if I should continue to write this story about my real life experience of following the twins💖

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