October 27 - November 5, 2018

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More swimming and the end of the season
So I'm gonna make this chapter quick but basically, on October 27 I had leagues swim meet and I did the 200 medley relay and got first in my heat and 6th place over all so I got a ribbon thingy saying my name, my heat number, my lane, my split time and the whole time overall for the relay. I didn't do as good in my other events but I still did really good and that night made me really happy because of how good my team and I did so I was actually happy yes but I was still sad from the break up but that didn't matter much because it's swim and yeah... but before the leagues swim meet started, I had some time so I edited a picture that Jason had just recently posted (the one up at the top... but that's not the edited version I made) but anyways... the next week, I have to be at swim practice but where there were like 30+ some of us, there were now 7 of us who were going to district meet. So on Friday we had prelims and did decent and on Saturday was finals which would determine who went to state and my school didn't qualify for state... one person almost did but was off by just a couple seconds or so from qualifying but I was happy to get to go to districts plus my name got mentioned in the newspaper like 2-3 times and there was a picture with me in it 2 times which was really cool. Then on November 5th, was the swim banquet where we got awards, our last set of beads of the season for the time improvements and I got a plaque thingy for my first year on the team or whatever and when the coach was describing who got the award I knew it was me because even though it's usually like you hear everything that sounds like you but there is one thing that's different which is why you didn't get it... yeah, I was the only one who perfectly fit the description because the coach said about how I am one of the fastest on the team yet I swam in the slow lane all school year of my freshman year of high school in his class so I got the award and a certificate thing... oh! And I got a "dolphin" bead which I got for improving all my times in 1 swim meet and that was cool but yeah. That was the end of the swim season and I was sad because one of my good friends in swim was a senior so she won't be back next year and she was a huge help to me throughout the season so I'm gonna miss her next season but that was fun and a lot of work and very time consuming because my daily schedule was : got to school, go to swim practice, go home and eat,shower and do homework, go to bed and Repeat. Everyday for those two and a half - three months so I had no time to be on my fan account really so I was excited to have more time for my fan account and yeah.

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