October 20-25, 2018

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Quick A/n - this is going to be a really long chapter so enjoy 😊

Homecoming, Breakups and Swimming
Ok so Saturday, October 20th, 2018. Otherwise known as homecoming night for me and many others around including the twins. That day was so much fun, I loved it. I woke up, went to my almost sister in law's house to get ready for homecoming with her (I say she's my almost sister in law because my brother technically asked her to marry him but it wasn't an official proposal and they have been dating for a year as of yesterday - 5/17 - and yeah, but her name is Gabby) but anyways, I went to her house to get ready that morning and after getting ready my dad picked us up from her house and drove us back to my house. At this point it was around like 3 I want to say... and my brother had his friends and their dates over. (Tyler wasn't at my place and I originally was going to go to dinner with him but something came up and he couldn't go to dinner... I don't know exactly what came up it might have been a situation where he didn't have a ride or enough money or something and no he wasn't cheating, I don't like to be rude but he probably couldn't cheat even if he wanted to) but my dad got pictures of all the boys, all the girls and a picture of everyone together and then individual pictures of the boys and their dates... my dad didn't take an individual picture of me and I wouldn't have a picture just with Tyler cause he wasn't there. But after taking pictures we went to Applebee's and ate dinner then we came back home really quickly and then went to the dance. When I got to the dance, Tyler was already there and waiting for me with a corsage and we just hung out and my cousins were hanging out with us and we were kind of awkward and just stood around next to each other and my cousins kept telling us to dance but we didn't dance to most songs. We danced to slow songs but it was very awkward. I have danced with guys before technically but that was because it was for a dance class I took and it wasn't slow dancing we did in the class we did like swing dances and it was fun but not helpful for this... also in seventh grade I slow danced with my crush (Kobe) to the song "when we were young" by Adele and I ended up loving that song and listening to it every night before I fell asleep for the next two years but then I got over him and stopped listening to the song so much but anyways... I danced to the song "perfect" by Ed Sheeran and that was awkward. But the rest of the time, my cousins and their friends were hanging out with my and Tyler (and I saw my crush from my freshman year Derek and let me say he is better looking than Tyler and he's pretty cool, Derek and I don't talk but I hear things about him from time to time cause we have mutual friends and he's about one of the only decent boys at my school... but he kind of reminds me of Joe in a way but yeah it was awkward cause he's one of my old crushes and he was hanging out in my group and I had a boyfriend) (also I have a small crush on Derek right now but that's besides the point) but more towards the end of the dance I found my brother's friends (their names are Ethan, Savannah, Miguel, and Eli. Also my brothers name is Joseph) so I found my brothers friends and I showed them who Tyler is because they hadn't met him yet and all four of them were telling Tyler that he had to keep a distance between us so one of them stepped in between us and lightly shoved him out of the way and they told him that he better not hurt me or anything and I think it made Tyler feel awkward especially cause there were guys but let me just say (and I told Tyler this too) that I consider Ethan and Miguel as brothers because they have been friends with my brother since kindergarten so they have always been around and we care for each other like siblings and yeah (also I have 3 biological brothers, I have my oldest brother [half brother]: Anthony, and he lives with my biological mom... well at the time at least, now he lives closer to my town with my biological grandparents, then I have Joseph, the brother that I will mostly talk about and he is older than me but younger than Anthony, and Joseph just turned 18 this year! And then I have my younger brother Blake who lives in Florida with our biological dad) (also... yes, I am adopted, and yes, if anyone knows me personally and sees me and my brother, we do look similar with some facial features and stuff, and a lot of people get confused about this because I tell them I'm adopted but my brother and I look similar but we are both adopted, we know who our biological family is and technically our biological family was related to the family that adopted me through a marriage but then there was a divorce but both families are close and stuff so yeah... it's kind of confusing, sorry 😬) but anyways after Tyler meeting my "brothers" there was a slow song and we awkwardly slow danced again... he hesitated to dance with me because we were still over by my brothers friends (and my brother had shown up and was hanging out there with us too at that point) and Tyler hesitated to dance with me so ethan said "you can dance with her" kind of joking because he saw how awkward it was so that's why we (me ethan and like everyone else who was around that was in the group) thinks that he felt awkward around my brother and his friends but it was kind of funny. But we dance to the song "right now" by Akon then I had to leave because my brother is my ride to and from the dance and he wanted to go to Denny's to share a milkshake but when we got there, the milkshake machine was broken so we couldn't get one and then Joseph and Gabby got a dessert thing to share and found a hair in it and yeah.... it wasn't that good. But after leaving I realized that me and Tyler didn't get pictures taken and that was mildly upsetting because my mom wanted pictures and I would too right? Yeah... so my mom was disappointed slightly but THEN, come Monday... ah the wonderful day (not really) of October 22, 2018. Now in general, Monday's are never anyone's favorite day because you have to get up early after a hopefully good weekend. (I'm gonna back up a little bit here, sorry if it gets confusing, but about a week or so before this day, at swim practice, one of my swim friends asked "how are you and Tyler?" Which I responded with "we're good" or the conversation went a little something like that and she said "that's good, he seems really happy, I think he REALLY likes you." Or something like that and that made me smile cause I was just told that he actually likes me which nothing like that has ever happened before so I was really fricken happy) but here it is, Monday, October 22, 2018. (I think y'all know where this is about to go) at lunch, Tyler would always hang out with me accept for when he had rotc stuff to do and he happened to have rotc stuff that day so he wasn't at lunch so I just figured "oh well he has stuff to do and I don't need to be controlling and tell him no that ha HAS to hang out with me" so I didn't mind that much. After lunch, I went to my third period class (Tyler and I have this class together) and the door was locked because the teacher was busy and still had the classroom locked so I was hanging out outside of the class with my friend Natasha and one of the girls in my class Wesley threw her things quickly and said "hold my stuff I need to pee" and she ran off desperately running to the bathroom that was only a few feet away so Natasha and I just kind of laughed and I started saying that Wesley could have just handed me her stuff instead of throwing it and then I started imitating what she did and then Tyler just kind of showed up out of nowhere with me acting like a weirdo and he laughed at what I was doing but then the teacher let us in the class and we had a substitute that day (and the substitute ended up being my swim coach) and after class started and attendance was taken, Tyler asked to go to his rotc teacher's classroom to do stuff there so he also left me during the ONLY class that we could see each other in. And before he walked out I said to Natasha that he's probably getting back from me leaving him at the dance as a joke and she said to Tyler (also jokingly) "oh since she left you at the dance you are leaving her in class" and Tyler just kind of awkwardly said sorry about that and it was kind of funny.but in class Natasha told me that he apparently was kicking people (including her) after I left because he was sad that I left to go to Denny's (also Natasha had kicked him back because she didn't like being kicked which is kind of a funny story) but then the day just went on and come to the end of the school day, I'm heading to swim practice and my class is on the opposite side of the campus as the pool and Tyler's fifth period class areas fairly close to where mine was but we never walked together after school, so yeah he just never walked me to swim practice and at he end of the day I just put in my earbuds and listen to music and ignore everyone because everyone is annoying so I put on the song "payphone" by maroon 5 and today Tyler stops me to catch up to me and talk then when he catches up I keep walking cause I need to head to swim practice and he walks with me and he indirectly tells me that he's breaking up with me. He uses every cheesy, basic break up line that everyone uses and he was saying stuff like "you deserve someone better" " I need to mature more" "it's not you it's me" "I don't think I'm ready for a relationship" and stuff like that and I didn't know what to say and I just kind of slowed down my walking pace (because I walk really fast) and I just told him "ok" and he asked if I was going to be ok or if I'm ok and he kept asking and I just kept saying "yeah" so after that I walked faster again and put both earbuds back in and turned the music up really loud and kept myself from crying until I got into the locker room to change and luckily not many people were in there so I cried a little bit, but when I went back out to the pool area I held back my tears. Then during dry land workouts I got a text from Natasha (here's a screenshot below of mine and Natasha's conversation about it)

Meeting the waud twinsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن