May 14, 2019

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Ok so nothing really important happened with the twins during the next month but I was feeling all love sick and missing the twins so much because it's been so long since I have seen them and all that. I literally think about them so freaking much that it's not funny. Like I think about hen do much it's weird and kind of crazy and I like them so much it's beyond rationally. And it being "prom season" and seeing all the cute prom-posals didn't help. So I thought about dances and stuff and I thought about homecoming and how next year I won't have a date cause I don't like any guys at my school and none of the guys at my school like me either and if they do then they don't have the guts to tell me so whatever but I like the twins SO much and we live in he same state so I thought What if I ask one of the twins to go to homecoming with me? So I thought out a plan to ask one of the twins to homecoming and I decided I would ask Jason and yeah. So I made a 2 part plan with 5 sections each. I wrote it all down on paper because I got bored in class but basically I the first half was all about how I'm gonna do it and the second half of the plan was only if Jason were to see it and say yes. The only flaws in my plan are that he might say no because he might think that I live really far away but I can clear that up with him and tell him that I live in the same state but like 3 hours away, but then he might worry about the time because homecoming is from like 8-10 and he probably shouldn't make a 3 hour drive home that late so he would have to stay somewhere over night if he can. Or he might not even see the post which would absolutely suck because I have put a lot of thought into this plan. But basically what I'm gonna do is make an edit with a cute song and I'm actually gonna be talking in it and I'm gonna post that in like August because it's a bit early to do it now and yeah. It's gonna be something and I really hope it works and I hope that a lot of people help me because it would be like making a dream come true for me... well that's sort of exactly what it would be if he says yes so yeah... I'm hoping for the best outcome for this and yeah.


A/n: so I have caught up to today with all the important stuff to do with the twins and my "journey" through liking them and having a fan account for them. I'll update this whenever there's something important to add on here but I feel like that won't be until August when I post the edit of me asking Jason to homecoming but idk, something might come up that's important for me to write about here but as for now, (5/25/19 at 9:08 pst) this story is done and won't be added to for a while.

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