22 1 0

Sunday September 20th


"Tatum get up!" Emma yelled in my face.

"Eww brush your teeth." I said groggily.

"Well you need to get up." Emma added.

"Why? It's Sunday and I have nothing planned." I groaned checking my phone.

"Can we go to Urth for breakfast?" Porter asked.

"Yeah, where's Jacob?" I asked.

"Right here." he said checking his phone.

"What time is it?" Emma asked.

"7:23." he laughed.

"Why the fuck are we up so early?" Porter asked.

"I have no idea but I'm heading back to sleep." I said.

"No let's go to Urth before Imogen and Layla get up or we'll have to buy them something." Emma said.

"Okay just everyone brush their teeth and put on Crocs or something." I groaned heading up to my room.

"Hey Tatum?' Jacob asked running up behind me,

"What's up?" I asked.

"Do you have an extra toothbrush?" he asked.

"Um yeah, come upstairs with me." I said.

I led Jacob upstairs to the linen closet and grabbed him a washcloth, a new toothbrush and some toothpaste.

"Thanks." he said heading back down as Porter and Emma came up.

We all gathered inside my room and brushed our teeth at the same time,

"I think his-th thing is-th big." Porter said taking out her retainer.

"Be quiet!" I said spitting toothpaste out.

I continued brushing my teeth until 4 minutes was up, then I grabbed some mouth wash.

"She's right." Emma said wiping her face,

"Guys. Stop. He's literally in the same house as us and you're talking about his dick size. Not cute." I said.

They laughed as I washed my face and walked out to find some socks.


"I believe you owe us a story since we watched Bird Box last night." Emma said.

I kept my eyes on the road and sighed,

"What?" I said.

"You said if we watched a movie last night you would tell us the story on how you lost your v-card." Jacob said.

"Well a deal is a deal..." I sighed.

"Yes!" They all said.

"Okay so freshman year I was dating Morgan. And at that point we were a year into our relationship an-" I said.

"Wait- Morgan B???" Jacob asked.

"Yes." I laughed.

"Ewwww!" They all said.

"Shut up and let me finish." I said.

"Anyways, it was around October and prior to us fucking, we had oral so it was nothing new. So we were camping with his family for the weekend and his parents had their own cabin maybe half a mile away." I continued.

"Mhm. Go on." Emma laughed.

"We never told my parents that Morgan and I slept in the same cabin or in the same bed together. They still think that I'm a virgin who's never done anything sexual to this very day. So his parents went to the store that was about 6 miles outside of the camping site and left us there. Him and I were walking around looking for the lake and we ended up just making out. Things obviously escalated quickly and we went back to the cabin." I said.

"I love this part coming up." Porter says.

"Please tell me you guys didn't fuck in the woods." Jacob said.

"We didn't, we went back to the cabin and we did it. But here's the funny part, his parents came back earlier than we expected and Morgan and I thought we had time to go another round. But we didn't. His parents were knocking on the door and we were scrambling to get dressed. Morgan got dressed first and went to the door since I was still half naked and couldn't walk." I added.


"Fuck off, he told his parents I was taking a nap so they left and him and I went 2 more rounds. It felt great and we both were always down to do it. It became so addicting that he would skip practice on days my family wasn't home so we could do it." I said.

"Wow. Was it big?" he asked.

"Yes but no." I laughed.

"How many inches?" he asked.

"6.5 on hard. To me that was ginormous as a freshie. But I've seen other dicks so it looks pretty small." I said.

"Interesting. The whole football team literally talks about you." he laughed.

"Haha you're so funny." I said sarcastically.

"No joke." he said.


We came back to my place and ate in the kitchen,

"Tate, where's our food?" Imogen asked.

"Umm you didn't make it? Watch your tone." I said.

"No, you literally get up and spend money on you and your friends! You always buy them stuff but not me!" She said.

"Imogen, I don't know who the hell you think you are but you need to check yourself. I have a damn job so I make my own money and I spend it how I want to. You can make your own damn breakfast you little brat! I'm not driving you to school, picking you up or taking you anywhere anymore." I argued.

She sat there with her fist balled,

"Fine! Don't slut! Why don't you go back to fucking the whole football team!" she yelled.

"Jokes on you I'm still a virgin and Mom and Dad just heard everything you said because I recorded it and I'm gonna play it for them when they get home in an hour. And Layla, there are chocolate chip pancakes and whipped cream in the fridge." I said.

"Thank you!" Layla said grabbing food,

"You're welcome, Layla. And do you wanna go on a little birthday shopping spree tomorrow after school? Emma, Porter and I will take you." I said.

"Yes! Thanks!" she smiled.

"No problem kiddo." I smiled while looking at an angry Imogen.

She stomped up the steps and slammed her door.

"Your sister has problems." Emma said.

"Right." I said.

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