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So long story short I decided not to tell him I didn't have a boyfriend...and because of that we ended up in front of a cute little town house.

"This is where your boyfriend Lives?" He asked

"Yeah" I said even though I did not know who the fuck lived here.

'Maybe I can play it off'  I thought

"Yeah he lives here by himself...you know he's kinda the  independent type." I continued

He looked at me and didn't say anything
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I scowled

He clicked his tongue and proceeded to say the sentence that messed with the tempo of my heart (A/N I couldn't help it😂)

"My friend Lives here..." He tilted his head
"With his wife....and his two kids" he finished

I blinked

He blinked

I blinked again

He smirked

"The bad girl had been caught" he smiled cheekily

"I-i...w-well you s-see..." I stuttered

"You lied to me jagiya" he said

"Jagiya?!? I'm not your jagiya Baekhyun." I sassed back

He narrowed his eyes

"If I say your my jagiya then you are. You're not taken so I don't see the problem. I like you so I take you that's how it should go and that's how it will go. Now stop sassing me before I shut that pretty little mouth of yours"

"With what? Shut my mouth with what? Your lips" I rolled my eyes sassing him yet again. I clearly didn't learn my lesson.

"How cute of you to think that I would shut you up with my mouth" he chuckled

"Its my dick I would shut you up with babe" he smirked

As soon as he finished his sentence I began choking...on my spit..like full blown choking.

After taking like five deep breaths to recover, I looked at him to see him looking  at me with adoration in his eyes..

Because of this I began to blush

"S-stop looking ate like that...j-jeez" slapped his shoulders

He laughed and pinched my cheek

"You're so cute"

By this time you could legit fry an egg on my cheek because it was burning up.

I cleared my throat "c-can you the me home now please..my mom's gonna start worrying"

He smiled

"Okay..let's go"

And for the rest of the ride home I avoided his eyes and any conversation he wanted to start.


Hey guys, I knw its been like rlly long since I updated but here is another chapter as an apology.


Innocence ( Baekhyun ff)Where stories live. Discover now