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Arianna POV

Hyperthymesia ,also known as piking or hyperthymestic syndrome, is a condition in which an individual possesses a superior autobiographical memory, meaning he or she can recall the vast majority of personal experiences and events in his or her life.

To most people, remembering or recalling a forgotten memory brings joy and nostalgia but I felt nothing but fear... fear of my own self.

It didn't take me too long to figure out what was going on. I knew I had to do some investigation on my own because for dome strange reason I felt like I couldn't trust anyone especially Baekhyun. 

I got up off the floor and brushed the imaginary dust off my knees. it was time to get down to business.

I grabbed a pen and notebook and began writing the things i remembered

page one 

Harvard University






I placed the pen down and stared at the words i wrote down. They made absolutely no sense to me. 

"Harvard university. What could have happened?" i asked myself 

'maybe  can search it up'  I thought

I grabbed my laptop that Baekhyun had given me in my third week here and searched up 'Harvard University'

all the search results popped up and nothing caught my attention until i saw 

' 1989 Harvard University shootout'

I immediately clicked the page and began reading the article 

I immediately clicked the page and began reading the article 

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"Sarah Greene?" I said out loud.

I know I've seen that name somewhere before I just cant seem to remember where.

sighing I decided that it was enough information  for now.

Little did I know that the more I  pried in to the past the more likely I was to make the same mistake.

The past will often attack the present with the pain of your memories. -Seiichi Kirima


its been a while.... i know i'm not consistent with my updated but please bear with me i beg.

i hope you guys enjoy this chapter and i hope you guys are at least trying to come up with theories of your own...please don't be scared to write your theories or speculation in the comments...they make my day.

ily and happy December.


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