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Arianna POV

"Your what?" I asked him

He stared at me intently before shutting his eyes tightly and turning away.

I grabbed his arm "Baek...it's ok."

"I'm not judging you...we all have our own demons" I smiled reassuringly

I waited for him to say something but all I got was a sniffle.

He was crying.

"I don't want you to get hurt " he said.
His voice was raw....filled with overflowing emotions.

"You won't hurt me Baek" I replied

His shoulders slumped " I know.... I would never hurt you...but he will"

I gulped.

That's when I realized just how dangerous this alter of his might be.

~Time lapse~

It had been a couple hours since Baekhyun had told me about his alter and here I was lying in bed thinking about how I could help him.

I had done a little research on the whole alter thing and found out it was called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).
A mental illness that usually happens when you've experienced trauma.

I also found out that there were triggers that made the alter take front.

So far all I could think of was to keep him away from his trigger.

But how could I when I didn't even know what it was?

I yawned and rubbed my eyes a little

" damn I need some sleep"

Myers slowly became heavy and next thing I know I was dead a sleep.

6:12 pm

My eyes shot open as I quickly sat up.

I had this strange feeling of someone watching me...

I looked around and saw a human like shadow in the corner of the room.

"Wgo are you" I asked frightened

The figure stepped out of the dark corner and into the moon light.

I gasped "T-tiyanna?"

"T-tiyanna?" She laughed as she mocked me

I sat up even further and it was then I realized in her face she had a smile so wicked it could put the devil him self to shame.

Her eyes were dark and she stood in a hunched over position.

This wasn't the Tiyanna I came to befriend.

Before I could make a move the hunched figure started banging it's head against the wall

Then I heard it...I heard Tiyanna's innocent voice

"Where am I?"

My eyes widened.
How was  that possible when the figure standing in front of me didn't move it's lips

But then......it did

"In your head sweetheart" a chocked voice replied this time I could clearly see the figure moving it's lips

"Who are you?" Tiyanna's startled voice asked again

The thing answered " I am you and you are me"

It let out a cry before it collapsed.

I sat there startled.

"What the fuck is going on in this house?"

Innocence ( Baekhyun ff)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora