Chapter 7: Maia

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Chapter 7: Maia

Stop talking. Seriously, stop. When am I ever going to need to know about the civil war? I can't think of one scenario. Not one. The little voice inside of my head keeps talking as my overly enthusiastic history teacher attempts to teach a class of seventeen year olds who are bored out of their mind. Colton sits two desks down from me, glancing my way but I duck my head so we don't make eye contact.It's been nine days since I was falsely kidnapped and brought into this world of crazy. We haven't really talked since then besides the occasional awkward greetings whenever we run into each other in the hallway. I need time to take it all in. That night, when I found out what I truly was, I was too shocked to think straight so it seemed like I took it well. I was too surprised. But that next morning, I woke up with a hole in my chest and it hasn't closed up.

The bell rings and I flee the toucher room. I open the shiny red door of my car but someone's hand slams the door shut. My eyes leave the floor and analyze the person who is currently touching my vehicle. Black vans, dark blue jeans, maroon colored shirt, dark gray cardigan and golden hair. Who else would it be? I look at him with my eyebrows raised and my thin lips tightly together, waiting for him to speak first. He does.

"Maia. I know you need time. I get that. I just..." Colton pauses and looks at me. Then he removes my hood from my head, exposing my naturally wavy hair.

"It's suppose to rain." I don't know why I tell him that. Perhaps as an excuse for wearing my hood. I don't even know why I need an excuse to cover my face but something about his soft blue eyes told me that I did.

Colton ignores my reply and continues. " I need to see if you're okay. You know, with everything."

"I'm okay, Colton. Honestly, I just needed time to clear my head. To understand just exactly what I am. What we are. You know it's not normal right?" His genuine smile finally appears on his face as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Yes. I am well aware." A smile breaks out on my face as well. "Hey, do you want to go back to the hideaway today? I get it if you need more time but I think it will really help you if you begin to learn how to use the abilities that you have." He says.

I open my mouth to decline his invitation but I change my mind. "Yeah. That'd be cool." He nods and within seconds a certain blonde is in the passenger seat of my car.

"I can pick up my car later. You know how to get to Brooklyn, right?"

After a half an hour and a few left and right instructions given by Colton, I park in front of the three story building. The tan paint on the walls is peeling and the wooden door is covered in countless dents. Colton knocks swiftly on the door and after a few moments there is the sound of multiple locks being unlocked and the door creaks open, revealing the younger girl that I met a few nights ago. Her black hair is in a long dark braid with it's tip hanging a few inches above her thin waist.

Sapphira's dark eyes look at Colton, then at me. "This is a surprise. We weren't expecting to see you back here until another week or so." Before I can respond she steps to the side and waves us in. "Well come in. I should warn you two though. We've got a bit of a diva problem at the moment."

"Oh come on! You better not be talking about me." The voice belongs to Andrew who hanging upside down on the couch, looking bored out of his mind. He wears a blue shirt with the sleeves cut off and loose gym shorts. His hair is clearly undone and it seems as if he hasn't left his spot on the couch for hours.

"I am talking about you!" Sapphira yells back at him and throws a pillow at him, hitting Andrew straight in the face. He tosses the pillow to the floor, sits up and looks in my direction.

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