Chapter 9: Maia

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Chapter 9: Maia

Raindrops stream down my bedroom window, signaling the first day of November. Currently, I am curled up in my thick dark blue blanket as I listen to the rain's pitter-patter on this drowsy Saturday afternoon. I honestly have not done anything today besides eat a plate of pancakes that our cook made for breakfast. The entire scene through my window seems like it could be from a painting by a very depressed artist. The trees that line around the side walk are no longer a bright green but an unpleasant orange and brown. The clouds above the tree tops are shaded a dark metallic color similar to the tip of a number two pencil.

My phone begins to ring but it is all the way on the other side of my room, seated on my mahogany dresser. I debate whether I should actually get up from my comfortable spot but then remember my new found abilities that I have been working on constantly for the past weeks. My eyes lock on my phone. The phone begins to raise and it moves across the room slowly until it walls safely into my lap. I can't hide my grin that is across my face. I've worked so hard, especially with telekinesis and now that I can do it without a headache, well that is amazing. The glass screen on my phone flashes but it wasn't anything important. Just an email notification.

I take a deep breath in and exhale dramatically as I untangle my limbs from the comfort of my blanket. I guess now is as good as anytime to get up and do something productive. I drag myself down the stairs and turn left to the kitchen. As I look through the pantry for something fattening and unhealthy I find a bag of potato chips. I smile deviously and grab the bag then throw myself on the semi comfortable antique couch. Trevor probably bought these chips because my mom and my sister think chips are like the devil and my dad doesn't go shopping at all.

The front door opens and my two siblings present themselves with their wet umbrellas in hand. "Baby sis, those are mine." Trevor says as he rushes over to me and grabs the bag out of my hand.

"There isn't a reason why we can't share." I tell him and take the bag back. He laughs lightly and continues to stick his hand in the bag, removing handfuls of circular chips and filling him mouth.

"Why would you even want those. They are so bad for you!" Anabelle scolds us.

"Belle is just pissed because it started to poor and we had to cut her shopping day in half." Trevor says. "Which I'm quite thrilled about because shopping with her is a drag."

"Trevor, I wouldn't need you to go shopping with me if I had my car. I don't understand why it's taking forever for that car fixer place to fix my baby." Anabelle defends herself. She looks down at her phone and then back at us. "Hey are we still doing that dinner with the Reed family tonight because Jason wants to hang out with me." She squeals the last part and hugs her cell phone.

"Well tell this Jason guy that he can hang out by himself because the dinner starts at six." Trevor confirms Anabelle's question. She lets out a groan as sits down next to me.

"Wait, what dinner? I wasn't told about this. God, this family never tells me anything." I complain immaturely. Trevor just smiles in my direction and puts his arm around my shoulder. "So we are having dinner with your new boss an his family?"

"Yes and you have to be nice. Mr. Reed was the only person who actually gave me a job straight out of college. And this is a dream job. I get to work in that giant building, the NYGS Research Center." Trevor smiles excitedly like he always does when he talks about his internship. He's been working there for about a month now and he acts like it's the best place on Earth. One of the only things that Anabelle and I agree on is that science guys have a mind of their own.

"I'm going to get ready for dinner then. It's practically five pm." Anabelle states and leaves for her room. By practically five pm, she means it four-twenty seven.

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