Chapter five

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3rd POV

She tore her gaze away from her mirror and put her shirt back on. (Your wearing some tight blue jeans and a white shirt) Her mind was going miles a minute. Tear started to prick at her eyes. Why did this happen to me?! I try so hard to be liked by everyone but yet they still do this to me! Why?! She brought her knees up to her chest and grabbed her head. She rocked back and forth, tears spilling from her eyes. This is so unfair! I try so hard! She sat there for an hour, silently crying. It was soon well past 1am when She heard a tap on her window. She was scared shitless and stood up quickly. She grabbed a pocket knife and switched out the blade. She quietly approached the window and gripped her knife. She looked out the window carefully only to Chat and Lady. She let out a breath and relaxed her body. She opened the window and let them in.
"Oh hey guys, is something wrong?"
"What's with the knife? Also no, nothing wrong,"
"Oh sorry, self defense, just Incase it was an akuma or something."
"Oh I get that, what's up?"
"Were you crying?" Lady bug approached me closer and took my face in her hands.
"O-oh yeah,"
"The akuma, when I watched the video of me being tortured, I noticed two gashes in my back, and I don't get it"
"Get what?"
"They are still there, all my other injuries are gone but they are still there, it's not bleeding but it's sensitive, it hurts a lot and I don't know why it didn't heal or why the teacher even did that to me!"
A few tears ran down her cheeks as lady and Chat hugged her.
"Take the next few days and rest, see if the cuts get better, if they don't heal or get better tell us, I know a wise doctor,"
"Thank you,"
"Lady we are about to transform back, we need go,"
"Ok let's go, good night, rest up,"
"Thank you Lady, goodnight,"

Miraculous ladybug reader insert (under heavy editing)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora