A Bigger Asshole than I thought

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A/N: so yeah, this person on twitter, zenrotto, the same guy who made a tweet because he apparently had a problem with me giving my opinions on a fucking dub, seems to be a bit of a bigger ass than I had previously thought of him to be. 

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Because god forbid, us asking for some simply fucking evidence, especially after there were some many victims who, for some odd reason, all choose not to at least try not to go to the police about tit when it happened to them until around the time...

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Because god forbid, us asking for some simply fucking evidence, especially after there were some many victims who, for some odd reason, all choose not to at least try not to go to the police about tit when it happened to them until around the time the broly movie's dub was coming up. Not to mention there being groups on facebooks who intentionally wanted to slander his name. And then there's even voice actors who at one week were being chummy with him at times and even gave a tweet that they gave to him saying that they had a fun time, only for them to then go at accuse it of having happened to them as well and one of them saying they wanted his head and balls. And whenever people ask for evidence, whenever videos come out that point out the problems of the side accuses a man, or even when a fucking actually god damn lawyer is brought in, it's apparently so bad. 

Not to mention that the IStandWithVic crowd just has to be either ridiculed or made fun of all because we want to evidence to be given. We could possibly have the smartest fucking being or super computer in existence to prove if the all the alligations against vic were all wrong, and a vast majority of people in the KickVic side would just deny it.

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