In Defense of Captain Marvel

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A/N: so yeah, everyone and their mother at this point have all been hearing about the arguments and stuff against Captain Marvel And Brie Larson. But, I think It's time we step on to a different part of the spectrum and look at another part of all this.

Austin: and this is why I don't listen to people when it comes opinions on movies and games that I have yet to see for myself to agree or disagree. 

Take Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, I've seen that film get shit on by many people. But like most others, my opinion differed from theirs due to from my own viewing, experience from it as well as some of the knowledge and understanding of the lore of the series and what some of the new films are doing.

That's why I hardly want to listen to people who give so much criticism on a film until I see it for myself and see if what their saying is honestly true are not. If I see it, I will agree. But, if I don't, I honestly fail to see where some of the negative criticism is coming from.

So, when I get the chance to watch captain marvel, before finally watching endgame, I will give my review of it based on my own opinions and perspective and those alone.

No, "brie larson said this" or "this film is trying to push this agenda" bullshit that you'll quit honestly hear people try to say about anything now a days.

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