Williany Amill Speaks out to KickVic

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A/N: A person, who's photo's were used by kickvic to defame vic comes and speaks out to them for the actions they've committed.

"Takes a very deep breath before finally speaking".

People of the KickVic side............... why? Why the hell do you do this? Why the hell are you willing to go to these type of lengths just to try and prove a man guilty and ruin his life for something he likely didn't even do? Why? What do you intend to gain out of it? Even if he was proven guilty, do you know what the actions of people on your side have chosen to do? They've basically took someone's picture and used it to fabricate allegations when that's not the case of the photo at all. These action of which lead to this person being harassed and forced to delete all her accounts to get away from it, because of you taking her picture and getting her experience with vic wrong. Your actions basically caused someone to leave because of that. You even had people in your side that even intended to photo shop a picture to make it seem like vic was touching someone inappropriately to the point where not only the real image was revealed proving it wrong, but the person in said picture eventually stepping up and calling you out on it.

And to the people who say that the IStandWithVic side is being unprofessional, how dare you. How. Fucking. Dare. You. You definitely have no room to talk about being professional if this is the kind of things you want to do. Yes, there are people in our side that tend to act unprofessional in the situation, but, there actually are people who do act professional into this whole thing. I've look through many of what kickvic has and I have yet to see anyone on that side being professional in it at all and being more respectable in the situation. So do not try pointing the finger at Istandwithvic when you are no better, if not, worse.

When the court day comes, and after all of this, and vic is managed to be proven guilty, I will apologize. But I will not apologize for my words against the actions you took which resulted into what happened to williany, you do not deserve even a single one for that.

But know this, people of kickvic, if vic, with every ounce of evidence proving his innocence and disproving the allegations, finally proven not to be what you think he is, then the only side that needs to be doing the apologizing, is You.

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