Austin vs Soul

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A/N: Soul (GuardianSoul41) finds out that on his previous account, Austin had written a human female bowser story made before the time of the bowsette meme. Realizing this, GuardianSoul goes to austin to kick his ass for predicting the meme.

Austin was currently standing outside his house on a clear and sunny day as he was simply relaxing, however, he wasn't aware that soul had appeared and was sneaking up behind him with a metallic object to strike him in the back of the head with. Once he swung it, he hit austin in the back of the head and made him fall over.

(The fight itself plays similar to this).

Austin: ugh!

He turned over and looked at soul.

Austin: ugh, soul! What The Fuck, Man?!

Soul: I realize what you fucking did, you bastard!

Austin: the hell are you talking about?

Soul: you fucking predicted bowsette!

Austin: what?

Soul: on your old account, on your first yandere book, 4th fucking page!

Austin: dude, that story has a genderbent version of bowser as appose to what bowsette actually is.

Soul: The fucking picture you used for the page even looks like her!

Austin: look soul, let's just slow all of this down and talk.

Soul: oh, you think I wanna talk right now? Oh no, all I want to do right now for predicting that fucking bowsette meme is kick your candy ass.

Austin soon got a few feet from him and stood up as if he was now ready to fight.

Austin: the fuck did you just say to me?! You wanna go bitch?!

Soul: bring it!

The two got into battle stances and got ready to battle each other. They eventually charged each other and started throwing their own punches while also attempting to block each other's said punches. Austin managed to lay the first hit at the Side of Soul's head and make him stumble back a few inches.

Austin: come on, bitch!

Soul: is that all you got?!

Austin: you want some!

He swung a punch at Soul again, which he blocked and landed a punch on his own at the side of Austin's face, making him almost fall on his ass as he stumbled a bit. Austin growled and tried to kick him, only for soul to grab his leg. Austin got it free by hitting him in the back with his tail, making him let go. However, when austin went in for yet another hit, Soul blocked and sent another punch to the face. Austin was fake panting to look as if he was already worn out to give for time.

Soul: oh what, time out? You're fresh out of time out, bitch!

Austin ducked and deviled a kick to Soul's side before landing to hard blows to his face.

As the battle went on, Austin Jr, Blaze, Flare, Kisara, Emily (I will bring up who those two are in a later date), Issei, Frostwing (MLPFan001), Moth (MothGoji) and Boogie (Boogiethehedgehog3) were watching it go on in surprise and shock.

Frostwing: should we uh......

Moth: I think it's best we let this do this.

Boogie: soul is aware that there has been fan art of a female version of bowser and likely even stories of a female bowser long before bowsette's inception, right?

Issei: probably not.

Austin charged at Soul, only for him to run into soul's leg, kicking him square in the nuts.


Soul kneed him in the head and tossed him a few feet away.

Soul: the fuck you think you're fucking with?!

Austin: a bitch!

Austin grabbed a large pillar and slammed it onto soul, knocking him into the ground. Austin then proceeded to bash soul over and over with the pillar before lifting it up.

Austin: batter up!

He yelled right before soul stood up and got hit by the pillar so hard that he was sent for miles away. Austin dropped the pillar and flew after him. Austin caught up and blasted Soul towards the ground of a rocky area. Once Soul and the blast that hit him touched the ground, a large explosion engulfed the area. As austin landed, soul burst out from the rubble with a few scratches on him.

Soul: you're just gonna make your ass kicking a lot more worse.

Austin: says you!

The two of them charged at each other to continue the fight.


The next few hours play out similar to a peter vs ernie the chicken fight: shit going out of control and off the wall.

Earth became a hell zone from the battle between the two. Cities crumbled, volcanoes erupted, earthquakes shook, random storms happened and much more. As the fight went on for the hours, Austin's wives, Sidney (Sleepy_Boi_Sid), Liam (Wolfman7903), Shin (godzilla15), Ikara (Ikara-navi), Zaydon (SwordwarriorX), Ghost (The_Official_Ghost) and Vexon (Vexon1) were all drawn in during the battle when it was getting intense. Austin and Soul were both scratched up and bloodied a lot from the continuing battle.

Moth: how long has this been going on for a this point?

Blaze: approximately 10 hours.

Austin then tackles soul into a hot tub and attempted to drown him. Soul then landed a punch to his face, making blood fly out from  austin's mouth. Austin the did the same to him as their blood got into the water of the hot tub. Unaware to the two, the fighting between them was shaking the area and causing a boombox to vibrate closer to the edge of the hot tub. Austin then pulled something out of his pocket.

Austin: see this?!

Soul looked and saw it was a picture of bowsette, albeit, a wet one.

Austin: eat it!!!

He yelled before shoving the picture into soul's mouth before punching him rapidly in the face. Soul eventually grabbed his fist and kicked austin in the chin and clawed his arm. The two got each other into a hold as the boombox was at the edge of the hot tub. And as a result of the vibrations, it fell into the hot tub and electrocuted the two. A couple of seconds passed as the two were floating over the water, not moving.

Everyone: O_O

Austin Jr: well.......................... that was kinda anticlimactic. 

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