What If Oren Caulifla and Kamin Kale Fused?

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A/N: This is a more current question that I thought of at random for a bit.

And as the title says, What exactly would have happened had Oren Caulifla and Kamin Kale some how managed fuse together into a Tuffled Possessed Kefla

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And as the title says, What exactly would have happened had Oren Caulifla and Kamin Kale some how managed fuse together into a Tuffled Possessed Kefla.

Yeah, I'm aware the only potara that the two had were the ones given to them before the tournament (at least in terms of anime), but, let's just say that sometime before this scenario, Caulifla snagged herself another pair of rings just in case for any last resorts. Anyways, The fight between the two goes exactly like how it did in the anime with the exception of the two being gotten into holds by trunks and hit.

What if sometime during the fight, with the two being outclassed from both Vegeta, Trunks as well as Hit after using Pure Progress, they had to resort to using the pair of potara earrings that caulifla had in her pants to fuse and turn the tables of the battle. They would fuse into Kefla (Who's name would possibly be both Oren and Kamin's name before Kefla's) to take them on again.

Now the question is, how would things go if the two did become kefla? Would they actually have to push Vegeta and the others to go further, or, would it not make much change in the fight and eventually end with the two defusing?

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