Why It Sucks To Be A Succubus

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I awoke in a cold sweat, I was used to being watched, but this was as if...

As if...

The culprit wanted me to know about them, but what stalker would want their victim to know, so I stopped the futile thinking, and got in the shower.

As the hot water rained upon me, I saw a black blob fall off my body and travel down the drain.

Where'd that come from? I wondered as I dried myself off with a white towel, my (H/C) hair staying damp as I ran a plastic comb through, to keep the floof.

"Ah SCP-5152, I see you're awake. I will open the doors so that you can make your way to the mess hall." The voice travelled through the speakers to my ears.

'Thanks man' I said as the doors slid open and I stepped through to the main building.

As I walked, I swear I could feel someone watching me, how come I hadn't felt it before, I'd been here about 3 months, yet I hadn't felt before.

My thoughts drifted away as I reached the mess hall, I grabbed some jam croissants, and sat down to eat.

I looked over to see a blond girl in her early twenties taking a picture of me with a polaroid camera.

I paid no attention to this until I saw a giant skeletal hand messing with my hair.

I was so shocked I stopped moving, allowing the giant skeletal hand to run it's hair through my now mop-like hair.

Suddenly, a God-send amount of guards walk over to the woman and are telling her to go to something called a 'Pandora's Box' as they called it.

She sighed and said:

"One last thing before I leave, is that alright?"

The person who appeared to be the leader of them, said:

"Fine, but make it quick."

She stood up and walked over to me, and handed me the mugsh-polaroid of me and then whispered into my ear, saying:

"Come visit me sometime, I'll be waiting"

And then she strode of back to the group and they dispersed out of the mess hall.

That was more awkward than a shy girl in front of her crush.


I was making my way back to my cell when a female scientist ran to me and said:

"SCP-5152, you are required at SCP-166's containment cell"

'And where is that?'

"Ugh, just follow me" she said as she starting speed walking across the hall, after travelling for about 10 metres, she turned and gestured for me to follow.

Eventually, we reached a cable car system. My female associate walked over to the guard and showed her keycard to the guard.

"That's not enough, slide your card across this pad." Said the bored foundation guard, as he pulled out a tablet.

The agitated female swiped her keycard across the metal tablet.

"Seems correct, now I need his keycard" he said, pointing at me.

A keycard? I'll give him a keycard alright...

'Earthenthia:plastica:keycard' I whispered as a small O5 card materialised in my hand.

The guard was generally unaffected by this, then again, it was a monday, so he was probably still half-asleep.

"Just swipe that across the tablet" he said, as I walked towards him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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