Chapter 7

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"Come on: 2 more reps."

I pushed up the bar with all I had. The inside of my arm was shaking like jelly. Just one more.

"Come on Kyle."

"Gah!"  I pushed the last one out and the bar clanged loudly as I put it down and lay back, aware of the sweat pooling around my ears.

"Good job!"

I opened my eyes to see Cassie's flushed face beaming back at me.

"You are trying to kill me."  I breathed out.

"Ha ha!"  She reached out a hand and as I grabbed it to pull myself up, I cringed as I realised how sweaty it was.  I pulled it away and wiped it on my joggers.

We had been working out hard for the last hour. It had been totally empty in here at the start: I guess the teenage sessions weren't so popular - but now professional types had started to arrive; coming straight from work.

'Now what?"  Cassie looked around the gym like a kid in a candy shop. Did the girl have endless energy? My sense of masculinity combined with my competitiveness prevented me from being the first to back out.

"Um..." I faltered as I looked around.

"Only kidding - I am pooped." She smiled widely at me.

"Thank God for that. I need water before I drop."

I walked over to the water fountain and leant down to try to revive myself. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cassie had gone over to the matted stretching area that was in front of a large mirror.  I watched her as she looked tentatively to each side as if looking out for other people.  She then looked into the mirror and elegantly stepped and did a quick turn before sliding slowly and smoothly into the splits.

"Wow!" I muttered out loud.

She looked into the mirror and straight at me, her cheeks colouring.

"I'm just trying to land this move at the moment." She stood up and dusted herself down.

"That was amazing." She moved so gracefully, yet I knew what strength she must have to move so slowly into the splits like that.

"Thanks."  She went even redder.  "All done?" 

I nodded. 

"Are you going home after this?"  I asked.

"Yeah, homework."  She pulled a face at the thought. 

"Whereabouts do you live?" I pulled open the door and held it for her.

"Do you know Grovelands Way?"

"Oh yeah," It was about a 15-minute walk from here.  "I'll walk back with you."

It wasn't really on my way but she didn't know that. It wasn't like I had anything to rush home for.

"Meet you down in the foyer after a shower?"

I nodded back.

Twenty minutes later I was still waiting for her. It must be a girl thing. I scrolled through my phone while I waited.

"Yo Ky!"

I looked up from my phone to see Jax kitted out in his Gi. It dawned on me that it was Monday and they would all be arriving for Karate class. Bad timing. If Sensei sees me again, he will take me for a stalker.

"I am glad you are back man. You know it is no fun for me if I can't kick your arse on a weekly basis." He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"You wish," I grinned.

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