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theodosia (banana elephant)
joseph (dino deaky)

banana elephant
the fans are getting angsty
we should just announce
and get it over with

dino deaky
are you sure?
i just don't want you to
receive hate from the bo
rhap fans
especially ben and i's stans

banana elephant
it's been months since ben
and i were together
we parted ways with
mutual love and respect,
there's no reason they
should get angry
and you and i are in a
healthy relationship
i don't see what they
should have to bitch about
i'm ready to announce.
you make me happy, joe
baby, and i'm not afraid
of that

dino deaky
let's just hold off a little
more, okay? i just want to
make sure everything dies
down and that you are in
the safest place to
announce such a

banana elephant
also, did you see that

dino deaky
of course
i voted #gwilydosia lolol

banana elephant
you're so dumb ily
i'm on my way home rn
like ten meters from the
also; i have an interview
tomorrow morning and
timmy is staying for
dinner :)

dino deaky
i'll order the chinese

banana elephant
ty bby

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