Chapter 13 (Charlotte)

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 I hated everything about hospitals. I felt a sickness in the pit of my stomach and as Ms. Beverly drug me through the sliding glass door. The whoosh brought an awful sterile stench the pushed bile toward the back of my throat. I didn't know why I had come. I was supposed to be through with Kyle. He was no longer supposed to be my problem. I knew Ms. Beverly came and got me because of that one date she thought we were somehow friends or more. I was just here for comfort for Ms. Beverly. That was the story I told myself. Kyle was nothing. Not nothing, but a complication that I didn't need in my life.

"Hello Dear," Ms. Beverly meekly approached the administration booth and the tanned woman on the other side hardly looked at her, "I received a call from a gentleman, about a man named Kyle Matthews"

"Is he a patient here?" she said coldly.

Obviously. I huffed to myself.

"Y-yes," Ms. Beverly's voice shook as she pushed her glasses upward, "I was told he was pulled from a car. That he may have been hurt. I don't know the officer said he was unconscious."

I notice the lady sitting behind her computer screen roll her eyes. She actually rolled her eyes. "Excuse me!" I blared irate and ready to jump over the counter, or just go through the large emergency door and find Kyle myself. I knew under normal circumstances Ms. Beverly would too. She told her stories in Bible studies about how she had lost one of her sons in a car accident. I only knew what she was going through. She obviously felt some maternal connection to Kyle. "Excuse, me!" I blared again, "We're looking for Kyle Matthews." I noticed her nostrils flare as she glared at me and I glared right back, "She is obviously looking for someone. All you have to do is type his name on your stupid computer and see if he's here. Is that so hard? Or did they teach you that in school?"

She pushed her lips together that was an off orange-brown and crossed her arms, "Well there's this little thing called privacy, hun and I can't give just anyone that information. So if you would have a seat, I'll let you know." She huffed, "So you can calm down, or did they teach you that at waitressing school."

I grit my teeth and glanced down at my name tag over my uniform shirt.

"Come on, sweetie." Ms. Beverly tugged, "She'll find him."

As we sat down in two empty chairs. I knew I could probably stay for a couple of hours. I was sure Mateo would make sure it wasn't a problem, but I still needed to pick up Auggie. Ms. Beverly wrapped her arm around mine, and I knew this wasn't something that she wanted to do alone. "I'm sure he's fine." I smiled as I coated my hand over hers on my forearm.

Her lips curved in a tight smile, "Thank you, Dear." She sighed, "I don't know what the problem is. When the officer called, I figured they would let us right in."

Suddenly my face burned as I wondered if my outburst may have made things worse. What if Kyle died? What if it was like having to relive what happened to her son. She never went into too much detail, but as far as I'd known she could have gotten there just after.

I leaned back against the hard squeaky chair and thought about nothing in particular. Mostly, about Auggie, and then that stupid dog. Thinking what kind of jerk would give a single mother a whole new mouth to feed. All I knew, was that when I found that person, I was going to kick their ass. I was probably Spencer.

"You're here for the gentleman we pulled for the wreck this morning?" I snapped out of my thought and saw the middle aged doctor standing in front of us.

"Yes, Kyle Matthews." Ms. Beverly said.

"Are you immediate family."

"Yes." I blurted not wanting to put an old church lady in a position where she had to lie. Not to say she wouldn't, but I didn't want to take that chance. We needed to see if he was okay and I needed to get back to my own son. "She's his mom, I'm his wife." I smiled without blinking. We needed to be as close to him as possible.

He looked up from his clipboard, at me, his blue eyes widened, "Great! Mrs. Matthews, you can follow me."

"Mrs. Matthews." I said to Ms. Beverly driving the identity in. We were in this together. She clutched her purse stood.

"Hey, Char, what I miss?"

I noticed a towering giant step through the sliding glass door. What was he doing here? He trotted over to us with a smile. "Mateo?"

"Family?" the doctor said.

He glanced at me.

I was ready to say no but Mateo spoke.

"I'm the uncle." He smiled.

"R-right." He said nervously, "Right this way."

The three of us followed the doctor through the emergency room

"We just got him into surgery."

"Well, how long has he been here?" I blared.

He looked back at me and his eyes widened, "Well it took them a while to pry him out of the car," He glanced at Ms. Beverly and then up at Mateo, then me, "There was a lot of glass."

There was a knot in my throat, "Is he?"

"There is a lot of brain swelling, cuts, bruises, maybe some fractures."

"But he's going to make it through?" Mateo spoke.

"We hope," He said opening the door to another waiting room, but this one was nicer. It had couches. My heart sank. It was nicer because this was where people got bad news about their loved ones.

We walked in and turned to the doctor.

"Your husband is in good hands, Mrs. Matthews." He gave me a faint smile that wasn't convincing and turned and left.

"Mrs. Matthews?" Mateo smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up!"

"I didn't know you two were so cozy." He teased, "I would have bought you a wedding gift."

I looked at him nostril flared.

He held his hands in surrender, "I'm just trying to lighten the mood."

I plopped on the chair as a chill went over me. Trying to remember the last time I saw Kyle. He was like a lost boy, especially being here. He had to have some people out there that loved him and somehow he ended up here, in a hospital outside of Silver Springs, a place that wasn't supposed to exist. It was a place where people came to disappear. Odds are the people that loved him, didn't know where he was, or if he was gone.

Ms. Beverly's hand coated mine, "Heavenly Father, we ask that you wrap your arms around our new friend and make sure he's safe, and if it is in Your will, bring him back to us. Amen."

"Amen." I managed to say.

"He's in God's hands. He will be just fine."

I smiled looking into Ms. Beverly's glassy eyes. I hoped for her sake he would be okay. 

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