Chapter 4

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The next day I wake up at seven am.

I figured setting an alarm to wake up early was a way of beating jet lag and I honestly hope it works; I can't be doing the whole midnight rendezvous with Harry anymore.

"Blair?" Claire knocked on my bedroom door.

I let out a groan and got up from my bed.

"Oh, dear!" Claire took a step back when I opened the door and held her hand against her heart.

"Rude." I say walking back to my bed. I know I don't look my best waking up in the morning, but I don't need to be reminded of it.

"No! I just meant, you know- Oh, dear how lovely to see you first thing in the morning!"

I peek my head out of the covers. "Nice try."

She answered me with a small giggle. " Common, time to get the day started. Your father arranged a very... thorough itinerary and we-"

"Itinerary?" I laughed. "Perfect." I said flopping on my back.

"You know your father... Up and at it, lady! I'll see you downstairs in an hour." She said and left my room not before opening the blinds to let the sunshine in.

Forty-five minutes later, I am downstairs and ready for breakfast; my stomach's been growling since the smell of pancakes sneaked into my room.

"Morning." I said taking a seat in a stool next to Charles. "Morning, love." He said lifting his eyes from the newspaper and patting my back.

Whilst I devoured breakfast, Claire told me about our busy day ahead.

First on the list, was to get a phone. Apparently now that we're separated by an ocean, my dad insists that we are on constant communication.

Second, visit some realters. I'll be eighteen in two months and the second I can have my name on a lease; I'll be moving out of Claire's and Charles.

Last but not least, get my British driver's license.

"I know you're not very keen about that last one, but I can give you some lessons... We'll get you behind the wheel in no time."

Charles says hugging my shoulders and I silently thank him.

I haven't driven a car since my mom passed.

"And I think you'll find motivation enough when you see the Underground." Claire said faking a shudder.

"Don't get her scared." Charles says calling her stunt off.

"I actually rode it yesterday. It wasn't that bad." I said taking a sip of orange juice.

"Oh, the Queen! Please tell me you've burned the clothes?" Claire asks me horrified.

"Actually, I wore them to bed." I say to freak her out and Charles catches up with my lie and laughs.

"You wicked girl!" Claire joins us and laughs too. "We're leaving in thirty minutes, please don't bring your germ-soaked clothes into my car, dear." She says before disappearing out of the kitchen.

I'm left with Charles and he turns to me before getting up from his stool.

"Whenever you're ready, there's no rush." He says to me and I know he's talking about the driving lessons.

It's been almost a year since the accident that made my life change abruptly happened; everything leading me up to where I am today.

Whilst walking down Regent street, I find out that Claire's an even bigger spender than I am.

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