Chapter 10

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"What are you doing here?" I ask him but the attention I'm giving him is not reciprocated because his eyes are focused on something, or rather someone, behind me.

"Hello." He says at the same time he extends his hand towards Jeremy.

"Hi!" Jeremy answers overly excited and I turn around and mouth chill  to him before returning back to Harry.

"What are you doing here?" I repeat my question. It takes a few seconds for Harry's eyes to meet mine but when they do, I understand and share Jeremy's excitement.

"I was going for a jog, but I thought I heard your voice... Are you okay?" He whispers the question and I nod.

Harry steps closer to me and whispers again, "What were you saying no to, do you know him?"

My breath gets caught on my throat and I back away from him, blaming the small distance between us for my lack of air.

"We met today, actually." Jeremy answers Harry for me but his green eyes don't leave mine.

"Are you ready to go inside now?" Harry asks me and I turn to look at Jeremy.

"I was already leaving, mate." Jeremy answers for me again and embraces me in a hug. "I bet you think this one doesn't suck," he mumbles in my ear and I chuckle into his chest.

If I didn't know Jeremy wasn't interested in me, I would be so excited to be pressed against his rock-hard muscles right now.

Jeremy then nods his head goodbye to Harry, a friendly action that is returned with a frown and nothing else.

"Bye." I wave Jeremy goodbye and hear Harry huff behind me. "What?" I ask him, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Bye!" He mocks my voice and I roll my eyes at him.

"Jealously doesn't look good on you," I tease him. "Plus, you got the accent wrong." I say as I pass him into the garden and towards the house.

I hear his steps behind me, confident and stumpy on the gravel and I spin around to confront him; to ask him why he's following me, but the fast action only causes him to collide onto me.

"Really?" I raise my voice at him when I look down at my former white sneakers. "Why are you even following me, weren't you working out or whatever?" I say trying to clean the dirt off my shoes.

"I'm not following you!" He equally raises his voice at me, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay..." Harry says in a more calmed tone.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, I  heard you arguing with a stranger, a male stranger," he empathizes and then continues "and don't even get me started on the time. Night, time." Harry says, sounding almost concerned.

When I don't reply, he answers himself with a sarcastic tone "Sorry for caring." 

"Why would you care? You don't know me." I say and I start to walk, again. "I can take care of myself..." I tell him but the second the words leave my mouth; I realize I'm trying to convince myself more than I'm trying to convince him.

Then a hand wraps around my shoulder and I feel my entire being go cold, the only heat coming from the body standing right behind me.

"I know you can... Sorry if I was an arse to your friend." Harry speaks quietly and I take a step forward, letting his hand drop from its place.

"He's not my friend." I tell him, as I turn around to see him.

"He's not?" His eyes go dark under the instant frown that has taken over his forehead.

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