Chapter 13

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As soon as Harry says his name, I open the door and the image I'm greeted with leaves me speechless.

Harry's wearing a tux.

A sleek, classic, black tuxedo and I've died and gone to Haute Heaven.

"Hello?" He says waving his hand in front of my face and that's when I realize, I've been staring.

I blink away my embarrassment and make eye contact with a smirking Harry. "What are you doing here?" I ask him, sticking my head out too see if he's accompanied but he's the only person in sight.

"Yes, hi to you too." He says mocking my lack of greeting and a nervous chuckle escapes me.

"Sorry, hey- hi." I say with a weird hand wave and Harry makes a face but thankfully, don't addresses my awkwardness out loud.

"I'm willing to answer your question if you let me in." He bargains and of course it didn't take him any more arguments to win me over, so I immediately open the door all the way through to let him in.

I close the door behind Harry and turn around to find his eyes on me.

"So, you're here because...?" I ask crossing my arms in front of my chest mentally patting myself in the back for having a bra on.

He fakes a hurtful sigh and puts his hand to his chest just above his heart which makes me laugh.

"Very theatrical." I say and Harry answers me with a very honest, "I was born for the spotlight, love."

I smile at him because I don't know what to answer him, I don't share the sentiment at all.

After clearing his throat, Harry speaks again. "To answer your question," He says looking up at me. "I was at the party- ball, the charity ball with Claire and Charles. And she-"

"Oh," I say trying to hide the disappointment in my voice. I wouldn't have picture Harry as a socialite. "How was it?" I ask him, just to be polite.

He looks down at his feet and then just shrugs. When he looks back up at me, he opens his mouth to say something but then closes it causing a pump of curiosity in my heart.

It's my turn to look down at my feet when he doesn't speak again.

How is it that sometimes we're so comfortable around each other but other tim- "What are you doing?" I ask alarmed when the back of Harrys right hand touches my forehead.

"Checking if you have a fever." He says removing his hand from where it was. "Sometimes right here under the..." Harry speaks but I stop listening when I see his hand go for my neck and when he puts two fingers just beneath my jaw, I jump.

"Okay Harry, that's enough with the unnecessary touching." I say whilst walking backwards, putting some space between us.

If I didn't have a fever, I sure as hell do feel warmer now. Wait, why would I have a fever?

"Quit being a baby, I was just checking to make sure you were alright." Harry defends his actions.

"I am!"

"Well why weren't you at the party, then?" He asks walking towards me, making the little distance I've put between us nonexistent.

"You mean the ball?" I say taking a few steps back to keep my personal space, well personal, but Harry has other plans in mind and takes one big stride towards me and rests both of his hands on my shoulders.

"Stop with the walking away, I'm not gonna hurt you Blair." He whispers exasperated.

"Geez, okay." I say shimming my shoulders so he would lose his grip on me. "You just caught me off guard, why would you check my temperature? That was really weird."

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