Chapter 14

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"Dude is not a word." Harry huffs as I lay down the letter e tile that earns me 7 points.

"You're just jealous cause I'm winning." I sing song whilst I write the number of points down on the score sheet.

"You're winning because you're cheating!" He accuses me and I laugh. "Oh. You think that's funny?"

"Well yeah, because I'm not cheating." I say looking up at him and the smirk on his lips tell me he's not serious about the allegation.

Harry's eyes stay focused on mine and his lips fall into a smile which causes a prominent dimple to appear on his left cheek.

And I'm doomed.

I try to collect myself from under his gaze, but I can't stop looking at him. "Your turn." I mumble, to release the silence caught in between us.

When I speak, Harry's eyes go to my lips and travel back to my eyes in a fraction of a second. That small action, makes my breath get caught up in my throat and a small gasp scape my lips.

If it wasn't so quiet in the house maybe the action would've gone unnoticed but when Harry looks down at my lips again, I know he has heard the sound that just emerged from them. "You alright there?" Harry asks squinting his eyes, obviously teasing me.

I clear my throat. "Just allergies."

"Allergies." He repeats after me like trying to convince himself. "What are you allergic to again?" Harry asks knitting his eyebrows together.

He's placing various tiles on the board, pretending not to be bothered by our conversation like it isn't his intention to put me in the spot at all.

The word he completes is you. That gives Harry a total of 6 points, which still lands him in second place just forty-two points behind me. Ha.

"Losers." I say with a smile on my face. "I'm allergic to losers."

After giving me the silent treatment whilst putting away the game, I finally got Harry to speak to me by offering him a truce... with a side of ice cream.

"Just give me a number." He says grabbing the Cookies & Cream container from the freezer. "It doesn't have to be exact, just you know, a pointer towards the approximate amount."

"It literally has nothing to do with the results." I say whilst looking for two spoons in one of the kitchen drawers. I'm still having some trouble remembering where everything is at, and it takes me a couple of tries to find the silverware compartment.

"It literally so does." Harry mocks my accent as he walks towards the sliding door that leads to the back of the house. Before stepping outside, he turns around and motions for me to follow him.

"What about plates?" I ask opening one the cabinets. Wrong one, again.

"Blair!" Harry whines like a little boy. "It's gonna melt, common already."

I smile a little at his cute five-year-old behavior and follow him outside. Does anyone ever say no to him?

Harry takes a seat on the wooden stairs that lead from the porch to the garden and I do the same, taking a seat on his left. Once he opens the ice cream container, I hand him a spoon and we both start eating the creamy deliciousness.

After a couple of scoops Harry speaks again, "So?"

"So?" I repeat after him.

"So, are you going to give me a number?" He asks as he scrapes the bottom of the container for what's left of the ice cream.

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