what he does when you're scared

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you were watching a movie when he noticed you started to pant when you got an anxiety attack and closed your eyes. you'd try to calm yourself down, but when that wouldn't work he'd grab your hand and put his arm around you whispering "it's ok. i'm here".

the power went out and you had nyctophobia (fear of the dark) and you panicked and screamed. you were at the couch and seonghwa was in the bed room, but as soon as the lights went out he immediately got out of there to look for you. when he found you he hugged you tightly telling you everything was going to be alright.

you guys had gone on for a hike and once you got to the very top of the mountain you'd stare at the view in amazement, but then you'd look down and started breathing heavily. you were afraid of heights. when yunho had saw you he ran to you and grabbed your hand saying "let's go back down" with a warm smile.

you had a doctors appointment and you had to get a shot and you had asked yeosang if he could go with you since he knew you were scared of needles. "alright y/n, are you ready?" the doctor asks. "honestly, no" you say. she chuckled and you were closing your eyes tightly. feeling yeosang hold your other hand calmed you down a bit. "it's over. you can relax now".

you took a walk with san through the neighborhood when you had spot something big from the distance. from your curiosity you sped walked towards it. it was a big spider. you immediately regretted going towards it and when it jumped on the ground you lost it and called for san and san came running, and hugging you, taking you away from the spider hand in hand.

it was a rainy day and you didn't mind the rain. you actually liked the rain just not lighting and thunder. the rain was calm at first, but then it started getting louder and louder until BOOM!! thunder hit! you go to your room and wrap yourself in a blanket and the next thing you know you see lighting as well, but by then mingi was already next to you all snuggled up trying his best to make you feel better.

you were walking around the grocery store with wooyoung when you saw something. you got near it and noticed it was a rat. you didn't want to scream in public, but you had a deep fear of rats, and mice. wooyoung noticed it and made it go away and pulled you into a corner where no one had seemed to be able to see you two and asked if you were ok and kissed your forehead.

you spotted a wall filled with flowers and jongho asked if he could take a picture of you on that wall. you smiled and said yes, then stood near it when jongho took the picture you looked at the flowers and noticed a bunch of insects on it which made you jump. "what's wrong?" jongho asked worried. "i didn't realize it had a ton of insects" you say. "lets go somewhere else then" jongho said giving you a smile.

|| i've been writing this since like 1 am and i'm not gonna lie. i was actually kinda terrified while writing this chapter cause i am scared of a few things that are on this 😟

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