when he misses you pt.2

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•he'd leave you a bunch of stuffed animals
"so this is our goodbye for now?" san says sadly. you put your hands on his cheeks. "i have to go see my parents and you have to leave town tomorrow morning, but we'll be back together again before you know it san". you say smiling and giving him a kiss. your flight was called and san was very sad to see you go, but he kept a smile on his face knowing that you'd want him to keep smiling. a week later you fly back and come home to see a ton of little stuffed animals. one was holding a heart shaped card. you open it and smile. grabbing your phone to text san after reading it. "i'll miss you very much y/n. take care of yourself. i will count the days until we meet again. love you gorgeous!".

•he'd leave you sticky notes everywhere
mingi had gone with you to the chicago airport. you went to chicago together and you stayed to watch his show, but sadly you had to go back to korea. when your flight was called mingi, somehow, got on the plane as well and told the pilot to take good care of you and to make sure you got back safely. "take her home safely sir". "will do" the pilot says. he then later waved bye with a bright smile and got off. how cute you thought. hours later, your plane had landed and you were on your way home. "made it back safely" you text mingi. "good!! the pilot kept his promise" he texted back. you walk inside your house and see there's a sticky note on the mirror next to the door. "welcome home gorgeous". you walk to the refrigerator. another one. "eat healthy!". you go to the bathroom and on the mirror the sticky notes are in a heart shaped each saying "you are beautiful".

•he'd facetime you
you were watching a movie when your phone wouldn't stop going off. you felt like throwing your phone across the room. after about the 1,130th time you picked up. "YES WOOYOUNG?!" you practically yelled. "IM SORRY I MISSED YOU AND YOU WOULDNT ANSWER SO I FREAKED OUT AND GOT SO WORRIED Y/N!" he says. "i was watching a movie. i'm alive and well" you say. "okay, that's amazing to know" wooyoung says. he stayed on facetime with you for about three hours until it started to get late. "it's starting to get late, i should probably go" you say. "no! i'll sing you to sleep and when you fall asleep i'll end it" wooyoung demands. you giggle and nod. the next day you wake up with a text from him saying "you're so cute when you sleep".

•he'd leave you a jar of reasons he loves you
jongho had to leave for exactly 53 days. today was day 1. jongho had given you a jar the day he left saying there are 53 slips of paper, each having a reason why he loves you. he told you to open it and take only one out a day. you opened it and took one just as he had said. "you have a smile like no other" the slip said. you were smiling all day. he meant the world to you, but to him you were his world. you had totally fallen head over heels for this dude.

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