Freedom Fighters Diverted

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Sally growled in frustration as Shadow launched another Chaos Spear at the Sky Patrol before disappearing into thin air.

Why was he doing this?

The rest of the Freedom Fighters had been on their way to assist Sonic with stopping the notorious Dr. Eggman when Shadow literally appeared out of nowhere and started attacking them!

Sally ran a gloved hand through her auburn hair, desperately racking her brain for any ideas on how to prevent Shadow from damaging the airship any further.

Usually, Sonic would make quick work of Shadow and send him off with a smirk, but unfortunately, they had sent him off along with Amy and Tails to help Knuckles stop Eggman from stealing the Master Emerald yet again.

"Nicole, put up the shields!" Sally shouted.

"I am trying my best, Sally, but there is something wrong with them! They won't come online!" Nicole, a computer AI, spoke through the ship's loudspeakers.

"Do you have any idea why?" Sally asked, gripping the control panel as the Sky Patrol shook from yet another attack.

"I've done several thorough scans, but it comes up clean every time! They are - how do you say - clean as a whistle!" Nicole replied.

Sally sighed before turning her attention to a purple walrus, who was hard at work trying to maintain the ship's altitude.

"Rotor!" Sally called, trying to gain the attention of the busy Mobian flying the ship.

The walrus turned at his name, glancing back at the windshield every few seconds to make sure they didn't crash into anything and to look out for any more surprise attacks.

"I need you to go to the engine room and see what's wrong with our shields." The chestnut-colored chipmunk commanded.

Rotor nodded. "Right!" He turned his attention back to the controls. "Nicole, think you'd be able to fly this bad boy for me?"

"I'm appalled you even have to ask." Nicole chuckled, attempting to make light of the situation with her humor.

Rotor chuckled too. "Alright then." He slowly removed his hands from the control wheel just to be safe, keeping a steady eye on the clouds and sky in front of them. Although, you couldn't see much of the sky anymore and the clouds had all darkened drastically from fluffy white to edgy black.

He let out a sigh of relief when the plane still flew levelly despite being hit by several barrages of Chaos Spears.

"Go! I've got this!" Nicole shouted.

Rotor nodded, grabbing his red toolbox that had been sitting right beside him before running out of the control room to locate the engine room.

"Why is Mr. Shadow doing this?" Cream whimpered from her spot next to Sally, hugging onto her pet Chao, Cheese, tightly.

"I'm sure he has a good reason to."
Sally pat the little one's head, smiling through gritted teeth.

She highly doubted her own words. Shadow was always quick to draw conclusions, so it was no surprise that the Freedom Fighters would be going up against him again. It reminded her of another hedgehog, who was so set on finding a traitor amongst the Freedom Fighters awhile back.

When he could be, Shadow was actually a pretty formidable ally. But as an enemy, Sally knew they stood little chance. Yet it was one they were willing to take. Shadow was tough, yes, but he also had his weaknesses.

The ship shook intensely, causing Sally to try and catch her balance. Cream threw herself at the chipmunk and clung tightly to her leg, whimpering quietly.

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