CHAPTER 2- broken dreams

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He stood beside me, casting on reflection
he pressed his icy perfect lips against my wasted cheek
'happy birthday ' he whispered.

i woke up with a start-my eyelid open wide and gasped. Dull gray light, familiar light of an overcast morning, took the place of the blinding sun in my dream. "just a dream" i told myself "just a dream y/n, only a dream" i blankly stared the wall in front of me trying to remember who i saw in my dreams taking a deep sigh i then
then jumped off the bed when my alarm went off. The little calendar in the corner of my bed informed me that today was September thirteen. Today was my birthday I was officially twenty years today, smiling to myself i wondered how peaceful i spend 20
Years of my life this easily. I'd been dreading this day for months. All through the perfect summer  the happiest summer i had ever in my all years. And now it had hit.

I skipped my breakfast in a hurry to get out of the house as quickly as possible.
i wasn't entirely able to avoid my dad, so i had to spend my few minutes joyful. I honestly was excited about the gifts I'd asked dad for my birthday. struggling to get a grip of  excitement on myself as i drove to school. But i was twenty now i stared at myself looking for some sign of impending wrinkles in my ivory skin.

As i saw Lucas waiting there for me near the school just the same as every other day. Lis was standing there too. I'd told Lia i didn't want anything, not even gifts or attention because i get uncomfortable when i get attention from people which led myself to act weird and will end up. Last evening mom called me saying me to come
Home before the dawn since dad wanted to have a chit-chat with me and of course I agreed what if he surprises me with birthday gift?

I slammed the door of my car and walked towards where they waited.

"Happy birthday, Y/n"
"shhh!" i hissed, glancing around to make sure no one heard, she then handed me
A box smiling as i gave her a 'are you serious look'

"Do you want to open you present now or later?" she asked eagerly as we made our way to where Lucas was still waited. "No presents" i protested in a mumble.

"Okay..later, did you like the dress your mom sent you? "

I sighed of course she would know what my birthday present was. Lucas wasn't the only one member of his family with unusual skills like as if they would see through
Things. Lia would have found out before me what my mom was planning. We then reached Lucas, he held his hand for mine. i took it eagerly forgetting for a moment, my glum mood. His skin was as always, smooth hard and very cold. He gave my finger a gentle squeeze.

He lifted his free hand and traced one cool fingertip around the outside of my lips as he spoke "so, as discussed, I am not allowed to wish you a happy birthday is that correct?"   

"Yes, that i correct" i gave him a stern look before smiling.

"just checking" he ran his hand through his tousled bronze hair. "you might have changed your mind most people seem to enjoy things like birthdays and gifts"

"I would if it was from someone i loved" we went back to our class the class president announced that there will be the chief guest to visit our school. Everybody in my class started cleaning and arranging the tables and chairs. He entered and everybody were shocked to see him He was the person who have the largest business in south Korea.

I don't know why but he just gave glances at me which clearly annoyed me obviously, i felt uncomfortable knowing that but shrugging i walked back to my locker as we had P.E which meant i had to get dressed in our P.E dress

i changed myself and headed to our ground while on my way i saw a girl falling off the stairs my legs automatically ran to her grabbing her by her shoulder as I stumbled on my own foot trying to stand properly, checking if she was fine i said her.

"careful girl..look down while you walk " i said her giving her a head rub, she gave me a warm smile before walking away. I saw our chief guest looking at me from a distance which creeped the hell out of me, ignoring him i went back to the gym area.
Glancing over the clock to see it was already evening i ran towards one of the bathroom to change myself into my clothes,
I got myself changed, waving at everyone making them confused about why am i leaving in a hurry i yelled "dad daughter talks you know"

I reached home in no time running towards my mom i back hugged her asking where dad was when she turned back with emotionless face and said me to follow her.
"there is something that your dad wanted to discus with you" she said with a expression of happiness suddenly, my eye brows crashed together thinking it might
Be related to birthday.

Slowly walking towards my dad asking him what the actual matter was. He made me sit on the couch and then started saying. "The things is, Jeon Junghyun the well known business men he came by yesterday" he said directly looking into my eyes

I waited for him to speak further "okay.."
"And he demanded that he wants you as his daughter-in-law...he arranged your
Wedding with his son.....Jeon Jungkook" my mind went blank, blinking my eyes several times i tried to say him but nothing came out of my mouth.

"i don't want to hear anything i already said him yes from our side and you are going to marry jungkook " he demanded not even giving me a chance to speak for myself. "Dad..I just turned twenty today and is this what i get in return? Please
I can't get married to him you know that" my voice cracked as i tried hard not to burst out crying because that would be of no use. He stood up walking away leaving me there dumbfounded.

"Mom at least you? i just can't marry him...he is a god damn mafia for god sake" she smiled caressing my cheek bones.
"Y/n, baby this is a golden opportunity for us to get what we wanted..don't you want us to pay all our loans and pays back and live a peaceful life?There was nothing I could say at this point, they literally sold me just because they were offered with some money which isn't worth but my life was, is this how step parents treat their kids?

"Mom did you just abound me like my previous parents?" I asked as a tear slipped down my eye looking at her figure which was hanging with so much emotions as if she was the one getting married to her loved one. She nodded in a no manner before walking away too.

I never disagreed to what they wanted I always did what they asked me to, because they own my life even if i give my life it would cost nothing but marrying a mafia? I couldn't do that. I saw my phone ringing with Lucas on my screen but i threw my phone across the wall i just couldn't answer him and casually tell him about my wedding but soon my phone was picked up by dad as he received, my eyes widen "dad no please" i mouthed him but only got a death glare from him as he spoke
"Stop getting in contact with y/n, she'll be marrying soon its better to stay off side"

With that he broke every dream of mine...

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