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Ok so thank you alliwannadoisbicycle for giving me this idea. It really helped 💖 go read her story's they're AMAZING

Brian's pov
I had an idea
I wanted to plan an amazing date for me and Roger, so that I could show him just how much he means to me. So I got up early that morning so that I could make Roger breakfast in bed. When I walked into the kitchen Freddie was already up. He was sitting there drinking what I assume is a cup of tea.
"morning darling" he says looking up from the news paper he was reading.
"morning" I reply happily. I walk towards the cupboard and took out the pots and pans I needed. I then grabbed the bacon and eggs from the fridge and the bread from the pantry.
"are you that hungry, you don't even eat bacon" Freddie laughs watching me In surprise.
"no I'm making this for Roger" I reply also laughing.
"ohhhh" Freddie jokes.
"shut up" I say annoyed but I was still smiling. After that he got up and helped me make the breakfast.
"no no your flipping it wrong" he yells
"I'm cooking egg how can I flip it wrong" I laughed. Freddie just glared at me but he had a small smile on his face. Once we finished I put the bacon, toast and egg on a plate.
"thanks for your help Freddie" I say.
"your welcome but I've got to go now" he tells me.
"where are you going" I ask.
"um just going out..." Freddie replies suspiciously. I raise my eyebrow at him, but he doesn't look at me.
"come on Fred where are you actually going" I asks excitedly.
He looks up at my and smiles slightly.
"fine I'm going on a date" he tells me giving in.
"ohhh, with who" I ask smirking at him.
"with jim" he replies embarrassed.
"you mean that bloke I met the other day" I ask My mouth hanging open.
"yes obviously" he answers still embarrassed.
"well have fun" I mock winking at him. Freddie just rolls his eyes and walks out the door.

I went to pick up the plate with rogers food on it when deaky walked down the stairs.
"Where did Freddie go" he asks me.
"just on a date" I answer looking up at him.
"oh right". I could have sworn that deaky looked disappointed but he looked up and smiled.
"I've got a date today as well" he tells me.
"oh really, who with" I ask
"jorja" he mumbled quietly.
"everyone's going on dates today, I'm taking Roger on one too" I laugh. Deaky laughs with me.
"well I better take this up to Roger before it gets cold" I say picking up the plate again, smiling at deaky before leaving the room.

I got to rogers room and opened the door. Roger was still sound asleep, but I didn't mind because he looked adorable. I walked over to the bed and put down the plate of food on the bedside table before shaking Roger awake.
"time to get up now rog" I whisper. He grunts and rolls over .
"don't fall off the bed again" I say laugh.
"shut up" he grunts before smiling. Roger then sits up and looks over to the plate of food.
"did you make this for me" he asks smiling. I nod my head.  Roger then leans in and kisses me.
"thank you" he whispers. I smile and pass him his plate of food.
"I'm going to have a shower" I say. Smiling at him before I walked out the door. I wanted to leave him to eat his food.

John's pov
I was excited to meet up with Jorja. I had called her the night before and we had planned to meet up at the pub down the street later that night. I liked Jorja a lot she was sweet and funny. I put the kettle on and poured myself a cup of tea. I then made myself toast I put cheese on it which is my favorite. I sat at the table and started eating then Roger walked down stairs.
"good morning" he greets me with a grin.
"morning" I reply smiling at him, "your in a good mood"
He just shrugged still smiling.
"I heard that Brian has a few things planned" I say to him.
"really" Roger asks excitedly. I nod my head and smirk at him.
"I've got to go have a shower" was all he could say, then he was off back up the stairs again. I just smiled shaking my head slightly. Once I finished my breakfast I decided to have a shower too. Lucky we had 3 showers in our house.

Later that day I was sitting on the couch watching the TV. Brian and Roger had left a long time ago leaving me to myself. It was almost time for my date with Jorja and I was starting to get nervous. I kept looking up at the clock. We had planned to meet up at the pub at 6 pm and it was 5:30 right now. I decided that I would go now since it would take me about 20 minutes to walk there. So I grabbed my coat and walked out the door. It was quite cold outside but the walk wasn't that long. Once I got to the pub I walked inside and looked around for Jorja, I couldn't find her so I assumed that she wasn't there yet. I walked over to the bar and sat down on one of the stools. Not long after I sat down I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"hey" it was Jorja.
"hey" I say smiling at her and patting the stool next to me.  She sat down and turned to the bartender.
"Two beers please" she says, turning back to me.
"so how have you been, well since yesterday anyway" she asks smiling up at me.
"yeah all right, you"
"yeah good"
We had a casual conversation while drinking our beer. We then both started to get a bit drunk. We were having a good time and then a guy started walking towards us. 
"hello Jorja" he says reaching us.
"oh hey David" Jorja says looking up at him.
"um John this is my friend david" she told me, she seemed quite unimpressed by David being here.
"nice to meet you" David says holding a hand out to me. I took it and smiled. He than sat down next to jorja. I caught jorja rolling her eyes, which made me smile.
"so Jorja how are you doing" he asks her
"yeah good, yourself"
"I've been good too" he then turned his attention to me.
"so John what do you do for a living" he asks me.
"um well I'm in a band" I say.
"oh really, what band" he asks
"queen, I play bass"
"oh really, I've heard of queen before, you guys made killer queen right?"
"yeah we did" I say.
We all talked for awhile more. But then I started to notice that David was been more and more flirtatious towards Jorja.
"hey Jorja can I talk to you outside for I minute" David asks Jorja. She looks at me apologetically.
"I'll be back in a second" she said.  Jorja then followed David outside. I just sat and watched them through the window. They were talking about something for a good 5 minutes and then David lent in and kissed her...

Sorry that this took so long. I will try and upload at least once a week pls vote and comment <3

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