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Johns POV

I hear Freddie slam the front door and I jump up in shock. Wtf was that!

Freddie comes back into the kitchen looking angrier then he did before he left it. 

"Who was that?" I ask, looking at him. 

"It was just Jorja" he muttered angrily. 

"Hang on she might tell us about the picture" I say standing up and going to the door. 

"John wait!" Freddie yells before I could open the door.

"It wasn't just Jorja" Freddie says turning me around by the shoulder. 

"What do you mean Fred" I say confused. I turn back to open the door again but Freddie stops me. 

"Freddie why don't you want me to open the door?" I ask getting annoyed now.

"Because... I don't want you to fall in love with Jorja" Freddie blurts out, facing the floor in shame afterwards. My mouth falls open in shock. I didn't know that Freddie was jelous of me and Jorja. 

"That David guy... yeah he's a friend of Mary's, I-I set Jorja Up Brian told me that you were going on a date with her... and I just got so jealous, I'm really sorry John" he had tears falling down his face now. I didn't know what to say I was mad... no pissed at him for doing that to both me and Jorja but I also felt happy I mean Freddie fucking Mercury likes me... I always knew that I had some kind of feelings towards him but I didn't ever think that he would like me back. But seeing Freddie like this... so sad, I knew that there was only one thing that I could do...

I stepped closer to Freddie and brought my hand up to his chin, lifting his head, I looked into his eyes and kissed him. I knew that Freddie was surprised by my actions because he didn't kiss me back straight away but then he put he's arms around my waist and deepened the kiss. I let my hands slide up his shirt and he Moaned quitely.

"WELL, well, well what do we have here" Freddie quickly turns around and I see roger leaning on the door frame with that smug smirk back on his face. 

"What's going on?" Brian asks coming up behind roger.

"Oh I just came down to see who was at the door, when instead I caught these two" he says waving his hand at us "eating each other's faces off" 

"Wait... WHAT" Brian yells in shock. At this point both mine and Freddie's faces were as red as a tomato. But Freddie quickly recovered.

"Well dears John and I caught you two" Freddie started mimicking roger by waving his hand at roger and Brian, " having sex last night". Roger and Brian both froze and looked at each other in shock and I couldn't help smiling. 

"Aha that's right you guys arn't as quiet as you thought you were" Freddie says grinning. 

"Well anyway who was at the door" Brian says clearing his throat. 

"Um it was Jorja" Freddie tells Brian and roger, and it was funny how quickly the atmosphere changed to serious. 

"Really what did she want!" Roger asked.

"I don't know I just slammed the door in her face" he says chuckling slightly. We all smiled.

"Umm she was with Emma actually" Freddie tells us slowly. We all quickly turn our attention on Freddie with shocked faces.

"What really" Brian says

"Why didn't you tell me!" I say 

"Well I was going to but I got distracted" Freddie says his voice fading out. 

"Well if she comes back tell me I have a few things to say to her" roger says angrily. 

"So do I" Brian said. " also I know that it was Emma who sent the photos because I read the article before I ripped it up and it had a message from the person who took the photo... Emma. It said something like: she was at Rogers house and roger asked her to do this or some shit" Brian tells us. 

"Wait really" I say looking up at Brian in shock. He nods his head.

Brian then took Rogers arm and led him towards the stairs.

"come on let's go" he says and they make there way back up the stairs. 

"Are you going for round two" Freddie yells after them and I snigger. Brian just turns around and sticks the finger up at us. And Freddie and I stood there laughing. 

"Sorry if we're to loud" roger yells before we hear a door slam. Freddie and I just turn to each other and shrug, then we went back to kissing. 


And this is the end of the story! I really hoped that you liked it and also thank you so much for all the reads/ views I don't know what there called😂. But I would like to especially thank

@alliwannadoisbicycle for being there since literally the first chapter omg you've been so amazing and your the reason to why I kept writing!!!!! 

But I might have a new story coming out so keep an eye out for that!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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