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John's pov
I couldn't watch so I just turned back to my shot and downed it, trying to stop the tears from escaping my eyes. That's it I couldn't stand it so I got from my seat and looked around for an exit that I could use so I didn't have to face jorja. I found the back door and I sprinted towards it. However Before I could make it out the door I ran into someone.
I looked up... it was Freddie.
"Freddie" I choked before collapsing into his arms the tears that were forming in my eyes were spilling out.

"what's wrong deaky" he asked, he sounded worried which made me feel better because at least he cared about me.
"can we leave" I asked still crying

"Of course darling" Freddie says looking down at me with concern in his beautiful eyes. He then takes my hand and leads my out the back exit, even when we were outside he kept ahold of my hand and I didn't mind. 

"What's bothering you Deaky" he asks me kindly.

"Can we sit down first" I say leading him towards a bench. We both sit down  and I turn my head towards Freddie he did the same. My eyes still had tears threatening to spill out of my eyes again.

"Well I was on a date with Jorja," I took a deep breath then continued. "and this David dude came up to us and started talking and flirting with Jorja, he then takes her outside to 'talk' to her but instead he just k-kissed her" I tell Freddie. I feel a tear roll down my face. 

"Oh John" Freddie sympathized, rubbing my back in an attempt to comfort me, and it worked. I leaned against his chest my head resting in the crook of his neck. Freddie holds me against his side and rests his head against mine. We just sat there for what seemed like ages. 

"Do you want to go back to our apartment now" he asks me in a hushed voice. I nodded my head and slowly stood up and wiped the tears from my face. Freddie grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. At first I was suprized but then I looked up and smiled at him.

"What happened with jim" I asked my smile turning into a frown. 

"Ahh well we thought it was best for us to just be friends" Freddie says with a shrug. I smile again and we started walking towards our apartment. 

We eventually got to our front door. It was already unlocked so I assumed that Brian and roger were already home. 

"Hello" I called walking towards the lounge room. 

"Shh' Freddie said bringing his finger to his lips. I looked at him confused but kept quite anyway. Freddie tiptoed up the stairs and  started walking towards Brian's room and I was following close behind curious to why Freddie was heading in this direction. I started to hear noises from Brian's room and What I heard basically scared me for life. I looked up at Freddie in shock and he just looked back at me trying really hard not to laugh. Freddie grabbed my arm again and dragged me away from the bedroom, once we were safely in the lounge room Freddie burst into laughter, falling onto his knees and then falling backwards. i started laughing to at the sight of him lying on the floor and soon both of us were in hysterics. 

"Did we just hear Brian and roger having sex" I ask wiping the tears from my eyes.  My statement started Freddie off again and he once again started laughing, this obviously got me going as well and we were hysterically laughing on the floor... again.

We eventually finally calmed down and we were both sitting on the couch out of breath from laughing so much. 

"That was very disturbing" I said. And Freddie just nodded in agreement. 

"Well I'm not going back up there for the rest of the night" I say looking over at Freddie. 

"I can go up and check if there finished for you If you want" he offers grinning at me. I nod  and let out a breathy laugh and rest my head against his chest again. 

"Or we could stay like this for the rest of the night" he says. 

"That would be nice" I say smiling, I could tell that he was smiling too. 

So there we stayed. for the rest of the night. 

Agh sorry this took so long and sorry that it's so short, but here you go another chapter. This book probably won't go on for much more since I'm running out of ideas but we'll see ;) 

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