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Jade has her arms around me which I feel so safe and comfortable in. I wish I didn't feel so comfortable. She was a cheater. I couldn't believe my new wife cheated on me.

I had no clue how much she cheated like if it was a kiss or if it was having sex with another person. I couldn't help but cry. She was soothing me and whispering such kind words into my ear.

The kind words had no meaning as she probably said them to the person she cheated on me with. "Let me go." I hissed while trying to fight back the tears. I didn't want her to see how upset I was by her cheating on me.

"I won't let go Perrie. Please I love you too much." She says softly. I push her off and scream at her.

"If you loved me so much you wouldn't have cheated on me Jade!"

She begins to cry as well and all I want to do is to hug her and kiss her pain away. "A-At least let me explain." She says softly.

I sigh and I know that it will kill me if I don't hear her explanation of what exactly happened. For all I know it could be a simple kiss or make-out session with a random person.

"Fine." I mumble before turning my heel and walking to our room. I can hear Jade following me as she's whispering to herself.

I unlock the door and don't even bother holding the door open for Jade. "Thank you for allowing me to explain myself." She says softly.

I roll my eyes and lay down on the bed. I can see her start to pace around the room and she looks me in the eyes.

"I-I slept with someone else." She admits while looking at the ground. My jaw drops as my heart breaks even further. I hoped that it was just a simple kiss, but now it was so much more. I wanted to forgive Jade, however now I wasn't sure if that was possible.

"You what?" I ask while my voice cracks. I can feel the tears falling from my eyes as I'm heartbroken. "Baby-" Jade starts to walk toward the bed. "Don't. You slept with someone else!?" I scream out. I look at her and just want to know why.

"It was a mistake Perrie. I made a mistake." Jade says while looking at me. "I regret it so much Perrie. I just was feeling so guilty and ashamed." Jade says.

I roll my eyes and begin to cry more. I wondered if it was because I wasn't good enough for her. Was the sex I was giving her not enough?

"Was I not enough?" I ask her while staring into her now slightly red brown eyes. "No. Perrie you are more than enough for me." Jade says to me.

"I must not be! Jade you slept with another woman" I scream out while sitting up on the bed. I realize I just made an assumption. I didn't want to know the answer to my next question. "Was it a woman...?" I ask her.

"I don't want to answer..." Jade tells me which gives me the answer that I need, but I decide to flame her on it anyway.

"You said you wanted to explain. So explain to me who your little sex buddy is." I snap at her not wanting her to sugarcoat the story.

"I-It was a woman...I-It was Leigh." She says before crying. I couldn't believe that she slept with someone that was like a sister to me. Someone I used to share all of my secrets with. Someone who I thought was rooting for Jade and I.

"L-Leigh.." I say heartbroken. I thought the story couldn't get any worse than it was. I cry harder and can't even feel my body as it's becoming numb. My worst nightmare is becoming true.

"Perrie we were drunk and I'm sorry, okay, I'm sorry. I wa-I was disgusted with myself, and in the morning I was so, I was so upset " Jade says to me. I don't know what she's trying to get at with that line as making me sympathize with her.

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