Rhabdophobia (Part 1)

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This might be a spoiler for my Kris x Ralsei OneShots, if you check the last part of it, you know why. But who cares? Glitchtale is my favorite Undertale AT! :3

"A huge army of pink blobs are on a killing spree, both humans and monsters must be killed. Take this as a warning and keep yourself safe. This is me signin-...
*Technical Difficulties*
Jevil, this is not good for both of us." said Seam.
"I'm fine with that, besides that thing isn't as strong as I think. Beating her will be FUN, FUN!" Jevil giggled.
"This is serious, my friend! She's a creature made by her ancestor! She is made of FEARS! No matter what you do, she will kill you!"
Seam frustrated.
"So what? I'm gonna go find her and you can't stop me, me! Because I can do anything!"
"....except beating Bete Noire." Seam smiles, creepily.
"Ok Seam, I had enough. Do you even know anything about her, huh???" Jevil points his finger at Seam with a serious face.
"Yes... I am a citizen, remember? I live there for a long time. There's a witch named Agate Lightvale, live with her siblings, Copper Lightvale and Amber Lightvale. Everything goes fine until they started an argument, causing them to fight. Copper won and Agate lost her trait. Copper went to her with Amber, said sorry. Agate went insane. She took out her spear, pointed at Copper. She wanted a rematch. But he refuses. Then Agate killed Amber by stabbing her in the chest. Copper cries, his soul went gray. Agate went to Copper, also killed him.
"I win."
After finished her job, Agate dragged Amber's corpse into a dungeon. She unleashed the most powerful and dangerous spell, Bete Noire. Agate died, but her soul still remains in Amber's corpse, creating a new form for herself. She will finish everything like she did in the past...
Bete Noire - a person or thing that one particularly dislikes.
It also means a person or a thing strongly detested or avoided."
"Jesus Christ, Seam..." Jevil shocked.
"But I will still fight her, her!"
Jevil walks into the door to open it, then runs outside. Seam just sitting there, then takes a deep breath. He must admit, the city looks really chaotic.
Jevil runs for a while, he finally meets his unwelcome visitor.
"HEY THERE, WANNA PLAY A GAME, GAME?" Jevil smiles wide.
Betty turns around with a soul in her hand.
"Huh, interesting, a monster?" said Betty, or Bete Noire.
"I'M HERE TO HAVE SOME FUN, FUN!" After said that, Jevil takes out his scythe with spades appears behind him.
"Sure, after I finish you up =)"
Betty also prepares her scythe, her slitted-mouth smiles, seems really welcoming for a victim like Jevil.

*This is gonna be a big fight...

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