Secret Revealed

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Seam usually wakes up the earliest, and he still does. He walks down to the kitchen as he sees his partner, Jevil, carrying a plate to the table.

"Jev, what the hell are you doing?" - He yawns as he rubs his eyes.
"Breakfast! What?" - The jester giggles.
"You can't even cook, Jev, let me do it."
"No! Let me! I wanna be a gentleman today!" - The jester whines.
"Ugh, fine, if it's something I wished I've never eat, I won't hesitate to lock you out." - Seam said as he threats.
He sat down on a chair, watching Jevil makes him "breakfast", as he thought.
"Ooo, and done! Hee hee!" - The jester places the meal on the table.
"What, is this?" - Seam asked.
"Pudding, go on and try it!"
Seam gulps as he takes a bite.
"Jevil, I...."
"Sooooo??" - The jester smiles widely.
"This, this is actually delicious! Jevil don't tell me you can ACTUALLY cook and never told me-"
"You're correct, I lied!"
"Why would you do that?!" - Seam raises his voice as he looks at Jevil in the eyes.
"You know what day is it today? I've been keeping this secret to surprise you, you know!" - The jester laughs.

Seam groans as he goes and checks the calendar.
"It's February 14th, what?"
"Heehee, you don't know? Well it's Valentine's Day! Yes my DEAR friend, I wanna keep my SECRET talent just so I can surprise on this LOVELY, LOVELY ROMANTIC day!"
The shopkeeper goes and hugs his partner.
"Thank you...."
Jevil sighs as he hugs back.
"I knew you would like my pudding!"
"Hah, then you better make me breakfast tomorrow!" - Seam laughs.
"Nope! Yours are still better!"
They jokes around a bit, in the evening, they've gone out to enjoy the lovely view.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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