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After the food ran out. The water was all gone. The power cut.

The world fell apart. War erupted throughout every continent, everyone felt the effects of the war. Everyone lost someone. Maybe some more than others.
Just 1 quarter of the world population survived, but left with no healthcare services disease and infection spread rapidly, furthermore reducing the population. The governments all collapsed. And in all the chaos the world government was formed. A handful of people controlling the entirety of the world. But, 5-10 people can't watch every corner of earth.

Some large organisations survived the wars. They had a limited amount out sustainable electricity from solar panels and wind turbines and with no laws to stop them, the organisations did as they pleased. Human testing. Exposing all kinds of creatures and children to radiation and chemicals.

One particular group of scientists continued studding Neurological Science. Snatching new born babies from their screaming mothers arms and preforming inhumane acts on them, trying to fuse an animals mind to a humans using electrical impulses attached to both Pineal Glands inside both baby and animal, then sending a steady flow of electricity trying to achieve the accomplishment of making both separate beings feel pain together.
Thousands of babies, toddlers and children were sacrificed.

Until a new generation was born. A baby not even 6 months old was connected to a sparrow. The baby was born in a test tube. They regarded the baby-sparrow as a Scâir, a new species of human.

Most people thought it was witch-craft or the work of God, with no radios or News Channels to find out whispers and rumours spread quickly throughout the survivors.

The United Kingdom was now a dumping ground. All normal survivors or people were given transport out of the UK, and they blew up the Euro tunnel and cut the island off from the rest of the world.

The connection was passed down and soon over 200 kids had connected to an animal. It was like 1 mind, 2 bodies.
They could hear each others thoughts, see through the other beings eyes. It was impossible but somehow possible.
And soon the connection spread out of the organisations control, groups of savage animals and people were attacking settlements, reeking havoc around the world.

The world government stepped in and ordered the capture and transportation of any "Scair". A new species of Homo sapiens. One that had 2 bodies.

The worlds had gone into panic mode. And out of that panic was born a new era.

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