Chapter 12 - A pair isnt a Pack

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"Look after her at all costs."

Pauls voice was ringing in Nates head.

"There's way to many of them this time."

Nate rolled over in the damp leaves.

"I'm sorry I let you guys down."

Nate sat up gasping for breath. He stood up stumbling a little looking around. He was in a wooded forest.
He spun around again wobbling a little he still had tranquilliser in his system.

He scanned the orange floor until his eyes locked into her.
He tried to step towards her but his legs collapsed beneath him.

He crawled in the floor until he reached her side. He pulled her onto her side, he scanned her body for wounds or injuries.

She looked to be okay. He let out a puff in relief. He stepped back and sat back down in the ground, looking up at the green leaves high above.

He looked around and saw his wolf that was sleeping next to a tree. It's huge stomach gently rising and falling.

Minerva's wolf was asleep next to her. The brown fur of her wolf perfectly matched her head and he almost couldn't tell the difference.

He curled up into a ball and shut his eyes still feeling sleepy.

He was starving hungry. He rubbed up his arms trying to warm himself up, then he felt a small bump in his upper left arm.

He poked the lump and it moved but it was hard, a little painful.
He reached over to Minerva and put his hand in her arm, she had one to.

He felt a little like a dog chip.
They'd been chipped.

He looked around for his backpack and saw it on the floor open. He looked around again, checking no one had looted them whilst they were asleep. He moved over and got out some matches.

He then gathered a few small sticks and a bit of scrap paper he kept for fire lighting.

He lit the small fire and then got out a bottle of vodka from his backpack and his knife.

He held the knife into the fire and poured a little vodka onto it, cleaning it. Burning away any harmful bacteria,

He then took a few mouthfuls of the vodka as a sort of painkiller. Then he splashed the vodka onto his upper arm, rubbing it over the lump.

He then pressed the knife just under the lump. He pressed down, wincing with the pain and drawing blood.

The little trickle of blood traced its way down his arm over his elbow and dropped onto his blue jeans.

He ignored it and pressed harder, shutting his eyes trying it ignore the pain. He dropped the knife onto the floor, his hand shaking, he pushed the lump down and it popped out of his arm through the cut.

It fell onto the floor. He picked it up between his fingers, and tried to look at it. Covered in blood, he wiped it on his jeans not caring.
It was about the size of a pea. Small, metal ball. Almost like a bullet. It had a little blue light on it.

He placed it down carefully on top of his black backpack.

He splashed the open wound with more vodka and had another drink.

He put away he vodka and wiped his knife off and tucked it into his belt.

He stood up feeling a little better. He needed to catch a bird or something.

He looked at his wolf, and nodded towards the forest.
The wolf knew what he wanted immediately and went off into the trees.

He walked over to Minerva and shook her shoulder waking her up.

She shot up like he did and gasping for breath. She looked around confused and looking at him with tears in his eyes.

"Please tell me it was all a dream?" Her voice cracked as a tear fell down her cheek.

Nate didn't know what to say to her. He was never the most comforting person to be around.
He didn't feel sad about his brother. He felt angry. He felt the need to rip their throats out and kill every last one of them.

"I need to get a chip out of your arm." He said trying to distract her.

He pointed at her upper arm, she felt it and looked at his arm dripping with blood.

"What? Chip?" Minerva sniffed looking confused.

"They've chipped us. Tracker." Nate said grabbing her arms and feeling the lump. It was exactly like his.

He repeated the process with her and cleaned her arm up afterwards.

Nates wolf returned with a live pheasant in its jaws.

Nate grabbed the bird and pinned it down in the floor sitting on it.

"Can you pass me those chips?" Nate pointed on top of his backpack.

Minerva nodded and passed him the two metal balls.

"Sorry bud." Mate said as he made a small cut on the pheasants back between the feathers.

The bird was frantically trying to get away, flapping between his legs.

He slipped both the metal trackers into the cut and pushed them deep into the birds skin. He stood up and it flew out from his legs and out into the trees and far away.

Nate turned to look at her, brushing down his legs.

Minerva sat sat staring into space. Clearly she was trapped by the demons inside of her.

Nate was tempted to take his bag and go. He was never the type of person to stick around with a girl who was depressed. He was always normally fighting for the winning side.

But as soon as the thought flew through his mind, Paul's words came back to him.

He had to be loyal this time. She needed him.

Nate took a deep breath, shutting his eyes and seeing his brother collapsing to the ground. Seeing the blood forming around his. Seeing his wolf fall down.

Nate snapped his eyes open and grabbed his back pack.

"We need to keep going." He said to her but she didn't responded. She didn't even look at him.

"Minerva!" He snapped at her.

"Do you think paul and James would want you to sit here and give up! They would want you to avenge them! If you sit here and give up them they died for nothing!" Nate shouted at her.

She looked at him and stood up.
She grabbed her backpack and slung it onto her shoulder.

"Lead the fucking way then!"

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