Chapter 15 - South coast

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Nate and Minerva had been following their tracks for about 3 hours. Until Nate stopped and held his finger to his cracked lips telling her to be quiet.

"Tell your wolf to stay here." Nate whispered to her.

She nodded and both the wolves led down next to a tree. Nate crouched down low and Minerva followed his every move. Nate stopped and looked up in the trees,
"We need to be down wind of the targets otherwise their wolves would smell us, the wind would carry our small right to them." Nate whispered pointing up at the trees.

"We are luckily." Nate nodded and carried on crouch walking slowly.

A glow was radiating out from the other side of a huge green bush.

"They've set up a camp." Nate looked back at Minerva, he looked exited this made her smile. He clearly enjoyed the adrenaline of stalking.

They crept up further in complete silence. Making sure to avoid branched or sticks on the floor.
They came to the green hedge and stopped to listen.

Nate held out his hand. "Count how many voices you hear." He instructed her.

Minerva closed her eyes to focus on in her hearing. She heard what sounded like many voices laughing. She opened her eyes and saw that Nate had counted 4.

"What? How?" She whispered at him and he smiled.

"You need practise." He whispered back at her before he led down on the damp floor. She did as he did, and they both crawled under the green hedge to see the fire flickering.

Minerva looked closely and saw 4 sets of shoes all sat around the fire. He was right.

Nate crawled a little further under the bush, being externally careful to stay as low to the ground as possible so he didn't knock any branches.

Minerva did exactly the same, mirroring his every move. They both stopped, they could see everything now poking their heads through the leaves.

4 huge wolves there all sleeping on the far side of the camp all huddled up together, 4 guys, all different looking sat around the fire with bags and knives laying around on the floor.

Nate tugged Minerva back and they both retreated. Once out of the hedge they both walked fast but silently back to the wolves and picked up this backpacks.

"We need to get to the coast fast." Nate looked really worried now.

"Who are they?"

"Take a guess." Nate said as he started jogging away from the camp of people.

"Sloose?" Minerva said jogging up to his side.

"Yep. I recognise one of them. They are probably were to kill us - revenge for Kato."

Minerva nodded and carried on jogging. And thinking about that moment when she saw Nate at his angriest.

Nate saw she was thinking and stopped jogging into a walk. "What are you thinking about?"

"Why would they follow us all this way south just to murder us?" Minerva looked at the ground, she never understood all of this pack loyalty business.

"They have a leader, He's called Kieron I think. He's half mad - absolute phyco.
And when you have a mad man running the largest wolf pack it doesn't end well. We killed Kato so he's sent his best hunters and fighters down to get us."

"He's not here?" Minerva walked next to Nate.

"No." Nate laughed, "He's a pussy, he'd never risk his life for anyone but his pack do it all the time, that's what I don't understand about them. They are all so loyal to him but he's not loyal in return."

Nate shook his head. Minerva figured Nate had had some personal experience with them seen as through he knows so much about them.

They walked and jogged in silence until night fall, and even then they walked through the darkness trying to get as far away as possible. They headed west until Minerva started complaining she was tired, so they slept the night.

In the morning the started heading south again. They saw signs for beaches and the coast that said 26 miles.

"Not far to go." Nate smiled. They'd come a long way and as soon as they got to the coast they needed to make a camp.
Minerva smiled at the news. Not long. Until they'd be safer.

They would settle down again and set an a safe camp, with a fire always going and she could maybe even try growing some food. She was smiling to herself and didn't notice Nate had started running until he shouted at her.

"Minerva run!"

She started running to catch up to him, "why are we running?"

"They've found us!" Nate said running a little faster than her, his longer legs would cover ground.
Minerva wolf ran by her side, whilst Nates wolf ran behind her protectively.

She looked back down the road, she couldn't see anyone, it all looked normal.

"Who's found us? I can't see anyone!" Minerva shouted at Nate who was a head.

Nate dived down into the hedge line and pulled her down to the ground in the tall green grass.

"Government." Nate snapped at her, their wolves led down under the branches of the prickle bush.

"Where?" Minerva was confused, until she heard the low drumming sound in the sky.

"We are near the south coast, the government fly over the coast line to make sure no Scairs are trying to get across the channel."

A low flying helicopter appeared over a tree and fly straight over them.

"As long as we don't have a boat or anything hopefully they won't hurt us, but after what happened with paul and James, I don't want them to know we are here. That's why I removed our trackers."

Minerva nodded and watched the helicopter fly into the distance, and the sound disappear. Minerva went to get up but Nate pulled her back down.

"Listen." Nate whispered.

Minerva stopped and stared at the floor, trying to focus until she heard a laugh.


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