Chapter 11 - Fight fire with fire

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Minerva, Paul and Nate sat staring into the campfire.
The orange flames cracked and spat out little yellow sparks.

Paul sniffed and hung his head low in his hands. He pulled his hair tightly and rubbed his face.

Minerva thought she had no tears left to cry, until one last salty droplet rolled down her cheek.
She had bright red marks around her eyes from the constant acidic tears that had been eroding away at her skin slowly.

She watched Paul pulling his hair. James was like a little brother to Paul. He was hurting the most, but he tried his best not to show it.

Nate stared into the fire, daydreaming of who knows what. Minerva stared at him, examining him. He didn't cry. But she could tell he was upset, even though he was acting all tough.

Nate looked up and locked eyes with her. He looked sorry for her.

It was almost dawn and none of them had any sleep that night. Nate said he'd take watch but every time Minerva shut her eyes she saw James eyes rolling back, and his body dropping to the floor.

Nate stood up and walked around the fire to paul, "You can't do this now Paul, come on." Nate tugged Paul's shirt to try to get him to stand.

"You need to get up, we need to keep moving as fast as we can, they will be hunting us." Nate said looking at Minerva for help. She was staring at the fire again. Oblivious.

"Paul!" Nate pushed him slightly, paul stood up face to face with Nate. He nodded and grabbed his backpack.

Nate walked to Minerva, "Time to go."

Minerva stood up and walked away from him. Nate stood there watching her grab her things. She refused to look at anyone.

"South?" Nate questioned looked at Paul.

Paul rubbed his face and slapped his cheeks trying to wake himself up.
"Yeah." He said in a tired rugged voice. "South."

Nate nodded and whistled him wolf up. Minerva's wolf was stood next to her, its ears flat along its neck, its tail between her legs.

Nate led the way. Minerva in the middle. Paul at the back.

The walked through more fields and old farms all day, not stopping for anything, until Minerva collapsed on the floor, she was exhausted. She couldn't bare to walk any further.

Nate ran back to catch her but wasn't quick enough. "We have to stop."

Paul didn't listen. He carried on walking past them staring into the distance. Nate left Minerva in the floor and ran to stop paul.

He stood in front of paul blocking his path. "Paul!" He shouted at his older brother but it did nothing.
"We have to stop! You need to snap out of it. We all miss him. But your alpha, your supposed to be responsible for us!"

Nate pushed paul back and spun him around to look at Minerva.

"We need to stop now."
Nate said again to him.

"Okay." Paul said putting his hand in Nates shoulder, "pick her up, I'll get her wolf, we find the nearest house." Paul nodded at Nate.

Paul picked up her sleeping wolf in his arms and carried in walking.

Nate struggled to pick up Minerva, she wasn't heavy, he just didn't want to hurt her anymore.

They walked about another mile until they came to a small village. They broke into one of the first houses closest to them and set Minerva and her wolf down in the sofas.

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