Chapter 5 - New beginings

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"Oh Shit." Minerva mumbled all 3 guys turned and started walking towards her.
The 2 that were fighting were walking apart, and the younger boy stood between them trying to break the conflict as they walked over.

Minerva didn't move, she couldn't stop watching the 3 wolves. They walked together, silky furs reflecting the sunlight, there eyes intimidated Minerva's wolf who led by her side jumped and stood in front of her putting its body before hers.
The wolves hackles raised up and it arched its back and snarled, ready to pounce and protect Minerva at all costs. She heard her wolf let out a wicked snarl, and the black wolf rose up highly and showed off its bloody fangs. Her wolf stopped snarling instantly and lowered itself submissively to the floor.

"Who are you?" A man in a white leather jacket stood forward. Minerva looked at him and felt the need to bow down at his feet, her wolf let out a cry, Clearly he was in charge.

"Who are you?" He repeated the question and she gulped, not knowing what to say. The words stuck in her throat.

"She's clearly scared Paul give her a break!" The guy who appeared behind her snapped, and the large black wolf snarled at the dark brown wolf.

Minerva was figuring out the situation in her head.
The guy with the white leather jacket is called Paul. He's sired to the largest wolf, the black one.

The guy who appeared behind her looked a little like Paul, he had a grey T-shirt on and jeans. He was Sired to the lightly smaller dark Brown wolf.

And then there was a younger guy, a few years older than her she guessed, he was Sired to the light creamy coloured wolf. She looked at the creamy wolf, it had baby blue eyes surrounded by the white, creamy fur. It was probably the most beautiful wolf she'd ever imagined.

"You need to start speaking." The same guy with white leather jacket snapped at her breaking from her thoughts.
Minerva looked at him, then looked at his huge wolf that stood behind him.

"I'm alone." She managed to say without breaking into tears. The lump in her throat dunk and she swallowed hard.

The guy in a grey T-shirt nodded his head.
The younger boy saw. "How do you know she's alone." He said crossing his arms.
He had light coloured hair that matched his wolf.

"I've been tracking her for the past few days." He replied crossing his arms proudly.

"You've been stalking me?!" Minerva said a little shocked. She was always so careful to cover her tracks. Clearly she wasn't as good as she thought at it.

The guy in white leather was getting annoyed at the presence of this other guy.

"I told you if I ever saw you again I'd kill you." He snapped.

"Yeah you almost did." The guy walked over to his brown wolf and placed his hand on the wolves neck, he lifted his hand and it was stained red from blood.

Minerva froze looking at the black wolf, it could've killed the brown one easily.

"It's a shame I didn't." He snapped.

The younger guy stood silently watching them. He clearly didn't want to get involved.
"Can you guys just stop!" He said raising his voice. "She's clearly scared and none of you are helping."

He turned and sat down opposite the camp for to Minerva. He was trying to be friendly but it wasn't working much.

"I'm James." He smiled. His large creamy wolf led down next to him with a thump resting its large head on the log he was sat on.

"We'll be back." The guy in the leather grabbed the other guy by the collar of his shirt and tugged his away and they disappeared into the trees.

"Don't worry about that." James said trying to comfort her.

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