Chapter 7 - First Attack

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Minerva was sick and tired of sitting around all day. The boys took it in turns going out and getting food each day. They said it was to dangerous for her to go out alone, if she got attacked by anything she could die.
But being trapped around this house was tedious, she'd looked after herself for about 7 years, why stop now?

It was coming nightfall and all the guys were sitting in the house drinking some wine Nate had found when he went looting the other day.

Minerva was sat outside on the doorstep with all the wolves. Her wolf was sat next to her, watching the trees sway and the long grass wave at her.

It was turning night fall and the sky was different shades of orange and blue.

Minerva could hear the guys laughing and joking about in the house.
The forest seemed to pull her in.
Her wolf let out a small whine and nudged her, signalling to her that she wanted to go on a run.

Minerva was tempted. Only for 10 minutes she thought. A little run about couldn't hurt.

Minerva could no longer resist the temptation she got up and her wolf jumped excitedly. They sprinted full speed into the forest, jumping over logs and dodging low lying branches.

All the trees zipped past them as they both let all the stress go.

Minerva was almost out of breath and she bent over panting, and smiling.

She looked over at her wolf and started laughing. This was where she was meant to be, out in the wild, surrounded by the natural world.

A twig snapped behind her, she spun around but it was nothing.
She put some thought into it.
"Nate?" She called out, "If your stalking me again I'm going to be pissed."

There was no reply. Maybe it was a falling branch.

Minerva decided to ignore it and she carried on walking. She turned direction to walk back home before the guys noticed she'd ran off.

She carried on walking for a few minutes before she stopped. She felt as if someone was watching her, the feeling when you know your not alone.

Her wolf felt it to, and started snarling looking around to spot whatever it was.

A man came out of the hedge, holding up his hands, "I mean no harm." He said in a calm voice that freaked Minerva out.

"Where's your sire?" She snapped. She needed to know what he was and if she was in any trouble.

The man opened up his coat and held out a green snake. It was a long twisted grass snake that coiled itself around the mans wrist.

"Okay." Minerva said looking at the snake. In that moment she decided she was scared of snakes, but she didn't show it.

Her wolf was still snarling, warning the man to stay back.

"I just need food." He stuttered Looking at the floor.

Minerva decided it was best if she kept walking. "We all need food." She turned to walk away but was stopped by a huge grey wolf. She turned to see the man laughing.

"You believed I was a snake?" He said laughing. "Snakes are pathetic."

He threw the snake over her and straight into the wolves mouth.
The Grey wolf snapped down crushing the snake and swallowing it, then snarling at her.

"Your a wolf?" She questioned.

"Im a sloose Wolf." He said proudly.

Minerva had no idea what that meant but it didn't sound good.

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