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Rich's pov
We met with the leader of the greasers,we were all meeting in the park."What the fuck?!"Josh exclaimed,Josh was the leader of the greasers."Well,Well,If it isn't my ex."Karl said,Karl was the leader of the socs.Michael,Jeremy,and Brooke."So,Rich,why have you called us all here?"Josh asked,"Because this is a fight!a fight for love!"Chloe yelled.Brooke blushed,"It shouldn't be wrong for socs and greasers to date,it doesn't mean they're losing themselves,it just means they're finding who they truly are."Jake explained."Plus they're smiles melt our hearts!"Thalia exclaimed,Dustin actually blushed."We know about you two and think this feud is really silly."i said,Michael smiled.

"Proof it."Karl said,"Ok well,I never knew how to dance.But,when I met Michael,everything changed."I explained."Before Brooke,ice cream seemed weird to me."Chloe explained,Jake just pointed at Jeremy."I never liked cheese till I met Dustin."Thalia admitted,"all valid reasons."Josh said,we all looked at Karl."I...I suppose they all have a point."he said,Michael held my hand.Jake and Jeremy hugged,Dustin held Thalia's hand.Josh sighed,"I didn't mean everything I said back then,Karl."he admitted.Karl held his hands,"perhaps we should end this feud."he suggested."I'd like that."he smiled,we all cheered.although some socs and greasers didn't cheer,I happily kissed Michael."you did it!"he cheered,"no,we did it."i said.

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